Why not keep peacock feathers at home?

Many from different trips bring souvenirs, including incredibly beautiful peacock feathers. There are people who refuse to buy from the purchase, taking into account a sign explaining why it is impossible to keep peacock feathers at home, but there are opinions with an absolutely opposite point of view. Try to understand this issue, to dot all the "and".

Is it possible to keep peacock feathers in the house?

Among people there is an opinion that the most beautiful feather in the world, can lure the house of misfortune. There is no real evidence for this, but it should be noted that there appeared not only signs, but as a result of long observations. To understand whether it is possible to store peacock feathers at home, we will consider all the existing options:

  1. In Asia, which, by the way, is the birthplace of this bird, it is believed that the peacock's feather must necessarily be in every house. It is considered a guardian , which repels negative energy and protects from the evil eye.
  2. In Feng Shui, peacock feathers are an important attribute that symbolizes material prosperity and luxury. Having a feather at home can fill it with happiness and success. If you want to move forward in your career, you need to put a pen in the workplace.
  3. The folk sign says that peacock feathers in the house attract quarrels , problems, unhappiness and even death. This may be due to the fact that in antiquity in Greece and Rome, the pen was considered sacred, and ordinary people were not allowed to touch them. If a person violated the ban, he was subjected to death. Muslims have a legend that it was the peacock who opened the gates of paradise and let the devil out.

There is also a sign that the energy of the feather can eventually be wasted and as the peacock loves encouragement, the pen should be periodically coaxed. It is recommended to place a saucer with corn near the feathers and say a few compliments.