Signs on Palm Sunday - traditions and customs of the weather, love, marriage, money and luck

There are various signs on Palm Sunday, which appeared many years ago and were passed on from generation to generation. With their help, people learned about the future and tried to correct some events. Popular on this day were different rituals.

Palm Sunday - traditions and customs

The main tradition of this holiday is the illumination of willows. People standing with twigs and a candle in their hands imagine that they meet Jesus who is entering Jerusalem. At this point, you can turn to God and ask for healing, pregnancy and other important things. Distributed on Palm Sunday such signs, traditions and rituals:

  1. The use of fast food on this feast is a sin. You can eat fish and drink red wine.
  2. On a holiday, you can not quarrel and spoil relations with loved ones.
  3. In Russia, floury balls and cookies with kidneys of pussy wills were baked, which was lit in the temple. These products were treated to each other, and it was believed that they will bring health and happiness.
  4. The peasants drove out the cattle for grazing. In Byelorussia in ancient times there was a tradition to beat three times not only people and cattle, but also bee hives, land in the fields and even the graves of dead people.
  5. On this day they go to church not only to consecrate a willow, but also to pray for close people, not only the living, but also the dead.
  6. Signs on Palm Sunday included the rule of preparing bread for the whole family. In one of them put a coin, and to whom it came across, he will be happy throughout the day.

Plots on Palm Sunday

There are many different rituals that people use to change their lives for the better . The signs and customs on Palm Sunday will work only if people believe in their strength and do everything according to the rules. As an example, you can bring a ritual for luck, thanks to which you can change your life for the better. For him, prepare the church land, willow twigs, a desk mirror and your own photo.

  1. Begin with the rite of purification, for which you need to wash yourself, relax and cleanse your head of negative thoughts. If there is an unexplained tension, then the ritual should be abandoned.
  2. After that, get yourself in the room and sit down at the table. Before you put a mirror and a photograph on it. Round up the willow so that it completely surrounds the mirror. Pour the land on the mirror and during this talk the plot.
  3. At the next stage of the ritual, the earth should be collected and brought back to the church. Sprinkle the branches and put them at the head of the bed, leaving until the next Palm Sunday. It is recommended to conduct such a ritual every year.

Folk signs on Palm Sunday

In the people there is a large number of superstitions that have been formed for a long time, and many continue to believe in them, confirming their truthfulness. Many people are interested in what should be done on Palm Sunday, for example, signs indicate that women should necessarily bake a small woodpile and all relatives should eat a piece of this treat. Thanks to this the mistress protects her family from illnesses and various troubles in the future.

Signs on Palm Sunday for money

There are a few superstitions that need to be considered to improve your financial situation. There are special conspiracies and signs for money on Palm Sunday:

  1. It is not recommended to borrow money on this holiday (except for situations when someone needs to help). Otherwise, you can turn away from your luck.
  2. On this day it is necessary to count all the money that is in the house.
  3. To get rich in the near future, you need to eat a pussy-willow bud.
  4. If you put on your desktop a dried twig of willow that has been consecrated, then you can move up the career ladder.
  5. To quickly solve financial problems , you need to eat three kidneys and drink them with water.
  6. Signs on Palm Sunday say that if you plant indoor plants on this day, you can become successful and rich.
  7. It is recommended to establish a money tree, which should be young and healthy. The more leaves he grows, the more finances a person will attract.

Signs on Palm Sunday to get married

Long ago, according to the signs, single girls had to be slashed with a willow branch, and as many relatives as possible could participate in this process. Ancient signs on Palm Sunday for a marriage tell us that it is necessary to find a willow near the pond and tie a bright color ribbon on the branch, writing on it your desire. It is important to believe that the desire will necessarily become real.

Still there is one sign on Palm Sunday, which states that the girls on the holiday should pick up some fluffy buds from willows, when they will form yellow pollen. They need to be dried in the sun, put in a white handkerchief and tied to two knots. After that, talk to him of your desire and hide in a secluded place before meeting with your beloved. When this happens, it is recommended that all be burned or buried away from people.

Signs on Palm Sunday to get pregnant

Women who dream of a child should definitely use the power of Palm Sunday, because it is considered miraculous. It is necessary to cut off the strong branches with their own hands, on which there are many kidneys, to consecrate, placing a candle in the church of the Theotokos. At home you need to eat three pomoshi and ask God for a child. Signs of pregnancy on Palm Sunday indicates that a woman should make beads from the earrings of a pussy-willow and not throw them out before the birth of the child.

Signs of love on Palm Sunday

Lonely girls on this holiday should necessarily bring in their home the twigs, and if you do not, then you should expect problems in your personal life. There are other superstitions for love:

  1. Lonely girls and guys are recommended to get up at dawn and wash with dew or holy water, which will help get rid of loneliness.
  2. If you want to know the signs on Palm Sunday for love, then take note that happiness foreshadows the treats prepared on the eve of a woman.
  3. It is recommended to plant a tree on this holiday, as it will be a sign of great success in your personal life.
  4. If you want your husband to be generous, you must feed the poor on a holiday.
  5. A good omen of positive changes in your personal life is the pillow embroidered on Palm Sunday.
  6. Signs on Palm Sunday warn that this holiday can not be guessed, because you can lose your destiny.
  7. There are superstitions for married ladies, so, it is believed that if throughout the day all the household chores will be performed by men, then the family will be all in harmony. You can not wash your wife's underwear on Palm Sunday, otherwise he can start looking at the side.

Signs on Palm Sunday for health

There is an ancient tradition that after lighting the willows, you need to lightly clap close people, and this will protect them from various diseases. It is important to repeat these words: "I do not beat, the willow beats". It is believed that it can be cured with various diseases, cured of infertility and so on. People's signs in Palm Sunday:

  1. The temple should consecrate water, bring it after service home and sprinkle the house to protect the family from various diseases.
  2. To cure the child and protect him from disease, you need to buy it in a broth cooked on the basis of a pussy willow. This will help protect it for the whole year.
  3. On this holiday you can cleanse the soul of sins and regrets. In the signs on Palm Sunday it is said that the twig that helped the patient should be kept in the house for a year, and she will be a guard.

Signs on Palm Sunday for luck

In order to attract good luck to your life, you must definitely put in your own house a church that is consecrated in the church . In Russia, the branches were collected the day before the holiday, and then, put a bouquet on the windowsill or in the center of the apartment. Signs and ceremonies for the Palm Sunday indicate that if you want luck throughout the year, you need to put several kidneys of pussy-willow into the tea. It is important to drink the drink completely.

Signs of the weather on Palm Sunday

The people have formed many signs, by which you can determine what the weather will be like in the near future.

  1. A strong wind on this day predicts windy weather for the whole summer.
  2. Morning frost is a favorable sign, which indicates that there will be a good harvest of spring bread.
  3. Signs of Palm Sunday indicate that clear and warm weather, prophesies a rich harvest of fruits.