How to wash whitewash from the ceiling?

Who does not remember the Soviet apartments with perpetually showering whitewashing? In those days, whitewashing was the most fashionable way of finishing the apartment. Fortunately, today we have more practical types of ceilings , technologies and materials. However, in order to use them, you need to get rid of the remnants of the Soviet past and completely clean the walls of whitewashing. Knowledge and experience, how to remove whitewash from the ceiling is not owned by everyone, so you need to resort to certain tricks.

Whitewashing is removed with the help of a wash or chipping off the ceiling. Both of these methods can be used in everyday conditions, referring to a minimum of improvised means.

Ways to wash whitewash from the ceiling

Before you remove the whitewash from the ceiling, you need to determine the composition of the whitewash. Swipe your finger across the surface. If the finger is white, the whitewash is made of chalk. If there are no white traces on the hand, then whitewash is limestone and you will have a long procedure to remove the limestone covering.

In the case of whitewash, you can apply a wash. Before the procedure it is desirable to free the room from furniture and appliances, or cover all with a film or cloth. Now you can start directly washing whitewash. For washing you will need:

The wet flushing technique is not dusty, however, quite long. To do this, moisten a lot of warm water with a small portion of the ceiling. The entire ceiling of the damp is pointless, since the whitewash dries very quickly. Then you need to wait until the whitewash soaks up the water and dissolves and repeat the wetting. There is a secret: to whitewash more quickly soak, use a solution for whitewashing. The lime processed by it turns into a crust, since the solution contains glue. The crust is cleaned by any tool. After performing the above steps, it is possible to start chipping the wet coating. Before you remove the whitewash from the ceiling, you should stock up on the following things:

Soaked shpaklevka should be removed in small layers. If the whitewash runs down the scraper, then you overdid it with water. Wait until the moisture is completely absorbed into the chalk. At the time when you scrape one part of the ceiling the other must absorb moisture. Thus, you will provide yourself with continuous work and finish faster. Cleaned from the whitewash ceiling must be washed with warm water, which is guaranteed to remove the remnants of chalk. To believe the quality of work, swipe your finger over the dried ceiling. If it is clean, then the rinsing was qualitative and complete.

As you can see, cleaning the surface of the ceiling from whitewashing is not so difficult. You just have to stock up on time and patience.