Women's haircuts with shaved temples

For a long time, only those women who attributed themselves to rock, punk or grunge culture could afford a haircut with shaved temples. Such an image was the embodiment of audacity and informality. But gradually the priorities changed, and very soon the "ordinary people" paid attention to this original hairdo.

Who are the women's haircuts with shaved temples?

Every year, haircuts with shaved temples become only more popular. Looking at celebrities who, with their help, are trying to demonstrate their eccentricity and extraordinary character, fans are also writing to hairdressers. Unfortunately, not everyone understands that short female haircuts with a shaven temple are not suitable for everyone:

  1. First of all, you need to adequately assess the density of your hair. If you have fluffy head of hair - excellent. Under it, the clipped temple will look particularly stylish. But if the curls are "slimy", you better abandon the idea. Otherwise, the haircut will lose the entire volume.
  2. Such a woman's haircut with shaven temples, called none other than an asymmetrical bean, is most suitable for brown-haired and brunette women. On blondes, as practice shows, the hairstyle does not look so spectacular.
  3. Important and facial features. Women's haircuts with shaven temples and closed nape better look at the owners of a soft oval face. Girls with a heavy chin have better not to whiskey - they will only impose a rude image. The ladies with high cheekbones were the most fortunate - all the existing varieties of haircuts will suit them.

It is very important to understand that a fashionable woman's haircut with shaved temples will look good only if she is constantly looked after. The shaved part of the head should be regularly treated with special gels . In addition, it constantly needs to be adjusted - a growing, shaved zone may look completely unattractive.