Sulsen paste

Every girl knows that hair needs careful care. In addition to traditional shampoos from time to time, it is good to use some strengthening agents, make special masks and rinse hair with health decoctions.

Special attention is required for scalp, suffering from seborrhea (dandruff, if you speak more clearly). Sulsen paste is a unique remedy that not only helps get rid of scalp problems, but also improves the general condition of the hair, promotes their strengthening and intensive growth.

Sulsen paste - composition and characteristics of the preparation

The main active substance of Sulsena is selenium disulphide, due to which it can be considered an excellent therapeutic and prophylactic agent. This paste prevents excessive sebum secretion, which causes too rapid hair contamination.

Due to its composition, Sulsen paste can also effectively eliminate dandruff and prevent its subsequent occurrence. Pasta will also help with an unpleasant itch, which usually accompanies seborrheic dermatitis (another scientific name for ordinary dandruff).

According to those who have already experienced the effect of this remedy, from dandruff paste helps even better than any special shampoo. The only thing that can be embarrassing when using Sulsen's hair paste is an unpleasant smell, which, fortunately, disappears quickly enough. Yes, and this flaw is easily compensated by an excellent result - after Sulsen's hair becomes more elastic, pleasant to the touch, alive and healthy.

Another undeniable advantage of the paste from Sulsen's dandruff is that it is effective for hair growth . After applying Sulsena, the vital activity of hair follicles is improved, the toxins that destroy the roots of the hair disappear. Due to this, the hair strengthens and grows much more actively.

To make the most of the use of pasta, professionals recommend that you also use Sulsen shampoo for washing your hair.

Features of the application of Sulsen paste

Since the paste contains specific chemicals, it is not recommended to use it uncontrolled. There are two main varieties of Sulsena: 1% paste and 2%. They differ only in the percentage of the active substance, which determines the methods of using the drug:

  1. Therapeutic is considered to be a 2% drug. In case of problems with dandruff Sulsen 2% should be used twice a week. The optimal duration of the treatment course is about three months. Although the effect will be noticeable after the first procedures, stopping the use of the paste is not recommended.
  2. Sulcene 1% is a paste that is used for preventive purposes. To prevent dandruff and sebum, the paste should be applied twice a week for a month. Prevention is recommended not more than once in six months. By the way, if you want for prevention, you can use a two percent Sulsen, applying it once a week for a month.

Sulsena's application is elementary:

  1. The hair needs to be washed with the usual shampoo.
  2. After that, a small amount of paste is rubbed into the scalp.
  3. With such a mask you need to walk up to fifteen minutes and rinse it thoroughly with running water.

There is another way to use Sulcene - the paste is great for cleaning your face. The mask of the product is applied to the skin for about fifteen minutes and is washed off first with warm water and then with cool water. The procedure should be done no more than two or three times a week, then Sulsen will help quickly get rid of pimples and scaling.