How to open the gift of clairvoyance?

It's no secret that the human brain works only by 10%, and the practice of clairvoyance helps to expand these boundaries. A real way to achieve such unique abilities, of which the rest can only dream! Despite the fact that nowadays many people are skeptical about learning clairvoyance, now it is not so difficult to find courses where they are taught to expand their capabilities. The main thing is not to get to charlatans, but to a real clairvoyance school, and then it will be possible to talk about the reality of such changes.

How to learn clairvoyance?

It's no secret that before you determine and uncover the gift of clairvoyance , it is important to find out whether it is worth doing it at all. Different people have the ability to uncover unique skills - some easily begin to anticipate the future after several training, while others are given only as a result of long years of work.

In addition, each ability is different: some think brilliantly on cards , others treat with their hands, others read information from objects. It's possible that you just did not determine what your inclinations are, and try to crack one door while there is another door open for you.

Try to determine which of the ways to communicate with the world is closer to you - probably, your abilities will lie somewhere in its framework:

  1. Visual - visual perception.
  2. Kinesthetic - taste, smell and tactile sensations.
  3. Audial - the perception of sounds.
  4. Discrete - perception through symbols.

In any case, teaching clairvoyance at home is a long and troublesome business, and you can hardly achieve great success without a mentor, unless you have truly distinct abilities.

Clairvoyance: development, training, practice

No matter how many skeptics do not grin over the lessons of clairvoyance, they can not explain such elementary things as the amazing possibilities of a person in an emergency situation. There are cases when people jumped on a two-meter fence from one fly, escaping from an angry dog ​​running after them. This once again confirms that a person can do much more than he thinks.

Do not know how to open the gift of clairvoyance? Check yourself: imagine a person close to you who is not near you, and try to mentally see him where he is now, what he is doing. Then call him and ask - to compare the result. If you have practically guessed, you definitely need to develop abilities.