Honey for weight loss

If you are looking for an effective and natural method of losing weight, you definitely need to pay attention to honey, especially if you are a sweet tooth! He can help to lose weight and get a slim figure, working on the body both outside and inside. There are effective honey wraps, masks, as well as very effective and, in addition, tasty drinks.

Wrap with honey for weight loss

Many beauty salons and cosmetology rooms offer honey wraps for weight loss. But they can easily be done at home. It's very simple really. On a clean, dry skin, you can apply just honey, or specially prepared honey mass. Of the most effective and popular ones are "honey + vodka" (200 g of honey mixed with a tablespoon of vodka), "honey + vinegar" (200 g of honey and 2 tablespoons of unconcentrated vinegar), "honey + citrus essential oil". Then tightly wrap the food film with those problem areas, which were applied honey or mixture, and go for 30-50 minutes under the blanket. To complete, thoroughly wash off and moisturize the skin.

To more serious mixtures for wrapping we can include "honey + coffee" and "honey + mustard". A mixture of honey and coffee greatly disperses the metabolism, and can even cause dizziness. Therefore, it should not be applied to large areas of the skin. One of the most effective mixtures for honey wraps is the mustard-honey wrap for slimming . However, the technology of preparing a mixture of honey and mustard for weight loss is somewhat more complicated than the previous ones, because it is desirable to prepare mustard by yourself, rather than buying ready-made mustard.

The preparation of mustard at home guarantees the absence of chemical additives and will provide the desired thermal effect. So, first, you need a few spoons of mustard powder, half a tablespoon of salt and the same amount of vinegar, and a few teaspoons of sugar. All this carefully mix and add a few spoons of water at room temperature, bringing our mixture to the consistency of sour cream, not thicker. The resulting "potion" is sent to a dark place for 24 hours. Well, then you can apply it to problem areas of the body, mixing in equal proportions with honey, and to mitigate it is recommended to add a little olive oil. The procedure is the same as for the above-described mixtures.

I would like to note that to achieve the effect of weight loss, it is important to do the wraps systematically, and not wait for the momentary effect! Although the beneficial effect on the skin and its elasticity you will notice right away!

Drinks with honey for weight loss

In addition to the fact that for losing weight honey works well on the body from the outside, it is very effective when taken inside. It is a substitute for sugar and sweets in all sorts of diets, but it also has a great effect on fat burning and weight loss and out diets. For example, there are several ways to mix water with honey so that it is beneficial for losing weight:

Honey and lemon for weight loss - in a glass of warm (you can even hot) water stir 2 tablespoons of honey and a tablespoon of lemon. This drink is consumed daily on an empty stomach and an hour before dinner. The effect will not keep you waiting, as honey is known for its natural property to break down fats, and the lemon has an excellent detox effect. Interacting, these two ingredients will work for your harmony, and in addition, and strengthen immunity.

The only thing that eating ginger has a lot of contraindications, such as diabetes, diseases of the circulatory and cardiovascular systems, various skin diseases, so choosing these drinks for weight loss , read the contraindications.