Wraps against cellulite

In the complex of measures that you are taking in the fight against orange peel, it is quite possible to find a place and such procedure as wraps against cellulite. Initially, this wonderful act offered its clients numerous beauty salons, but now many women have found it much more convenient and affordable to lead this procedure right at home.

Home wraps against cellulite: procedure

There are many ways of wrapping, we will consider the general scheme, which is available at home. First of all, you need to have time: shower before and after wrapping, application and the procedure itself will take about two hours. Procedures are supposed to be performed every other day 12-15 times, while this should not fall on the period of menstruation. It is best to start right after the end of menstruation, in order to have the necessary number of procedures.

Effective wraps against cellulite do quite simply:

  1. Take a shower and carefully rub the problem areas with a stiff washcloth, a brush or a scrub . Give it 5-7 minutes of time, then rinse and dry yourself.
  2. Apply the mixture (the most effective recipes are listed below), lightly rub it, make sure it is not too liquid.
  3. Take a roll of food film, gently fix one end of it with your hand on the smeared area and make 4-5 turns. Capture the skin 10 centimeters above and below the applied composition, this will avoid leakage.
  4. After that, you have two options: either perform charging (recommended when using a wrap against cellulite and mustard), or lie under a warm blanket and watch a movie or read a book. This part of the procedure takes 1.5 - 2 hours.
  5. After the procedure, carefully remove and discard the used film, it is best to do it directly in the bathroom. Wash off the rest of the composition, wipe the skin dry and apply a thick nourishing cream. If the wrap was soft, for example, wraps against cellulite with honey, you can apply a special anti-cellulite cream.
  6. In those days when you perform the procedure, you can not eat sweet, fatty and floury. It is best to adhere to a vegetable-milk diet. During the procedure you can not eat, but you can drink water.

Home wrap against cellulite: recipes

There are many different recipes that you will be offered in the salons, but the home arsenal is not less. Let's consider effective variants:

  1. Honey wraps against cellulite. Take 2-3 tablespoons of honey, mix with a spoonful of ground cinnamon, and if the honey is too thick, add a few drops of essential oil of grapefruit and a little olive oil, so that the structure is easy to apply.
  2. Wraps against cellulite with coffee. Coffee grounds are not very suitable for application, so it is usually mixed with honey, olive oil or blue clay. Brew the coffee grounds in a small amount of water, add a spoonful of ginger powder, thinner - diluted clay, honey or butter, mix thoroughly.
  3. Oily wraps against cellulite. In this case, you simply apply on the body of the oil: in olive or linseed oil (1-2 tablespoons), 20 drops of essential oil of any citrus are added. The mixture is ready!
  4. Body wraps against cellulite and pepper. Pepper is usually taken red, mix it with cinnamon, ginger and olive oil until a mellow consistency. Sometimes powder of mustard is added, but this option is clearly not for those who have sensitive skin. Effective in sports.

You can choose one option and conduct the whole course with it, or, alternatively, experiment and try different combinations.