Is it painful to do a tattoo?

Almost everyone who wishes to immortalize on his body drawing are interested in whether it is painful to do a tattoo. On the one hand, this is a natural interest in the process of drawing tattoos, but on the other - when a tattoo artist is asked where it is not painful to make a tattoo, or if it is painful to do at all, the master can regard it as the client's unwillingness to apply a tattoo. How painful is drawing a picture, in fact, and is it worth it to do a tattoo if there is fear of the procedure? The answers to these questions need to be clarified before a final decision is made.

To do or not to do?

Not only women, but also men are interested in whether it is painful to do a tattoo. And if the fear of pain prevails over the desire to make a tattoo, then definitely should not be in a hurry. And if the trip to the tattoo salon is postponed because of the painfulness of drawing a tattoo, it is quite possible that this is an intuitive feeling of wrong choice of a picture or a hasty decision. In any case, if the desire to make a tattoo is based not on a momentary whim, then no fear of pain will stop.

Is it painful to do a tattoo?

There is no unequivocal answer to this question, and each tattoo owner describes his feelings in different ways. But, the following factors significantly affect pain.

Psychological attitude

For those who do the tattoo for the first time, the main frightening factor is not the pain itself, but the unknown. Due to the fact that there is no idea of ​​the upcoming pain sensations, there is fear. At the same time with repeated sessions, when this fear disappears, the pain is transferred quite differently. Of course, there are times when fear only increases, especially if the first session of applying the tattoo was very painful. With this attitude, it is almost impossible to abstract from pain.

Psychological attitude plays an important role not only in the first sessions of tattooing. With fatigue, poor health, anxiety, pain can significantly increase. And even inveterate tatemen who visit tattoo parlors not once a year, note that each time the pain is perceived in different ways. Therefore, by the time you visit the tattoo artist, you should prepare, tune in to a positive mood, have a good rest and, if possible, exclude irritating factors.

Individual pain threshold

The perception of pain depends on individual tolerability. A person can fall asleep during the drawing of a tattoo, or calmly endure for several hours, but after that feel unbearable pain, or vice versa, at the beginning experiences uncomfortable sensations, and after that can stand several hours calmly. As a rule, women are more hardy, but react to pain more emotionally.

Professionalism of the master

Painful feelings in many ways depend on how the master works and what equipment he works with. Professional masters work only quality modern tattoo machines, which significantly reduces the soreness of the procedure. The size of the tattoo and the technique of application.

To apply a large drawing takes more time, and, consequently, the wound surface of the skin will be greater. But small tattoos can be quite painful if the main part consists of contours. For example, it is painful to make a tattoo on your wrist, depends on the size of the picture and its complexity. A drawing covering a large area, as well as a complex detailed drawing, is much more painful than an inscription or a small simple drawing. This is due to the time of exposure to the thin and sensitive skin of the wrist, and the extent of damage to the skin in the most painful areas.

Place of application

As a rule, the most painful are the areas located closer to the bone, as well as containing a large number of nerve endings. It is believed that the most painful place for tattooing is the genital area, chest, ears and eyes. Tattoos on the neck hurt to do in the area of ​​the vertebrae, but because of the thin and sensitive skin, the side and front of the neck can be more painful.

Tattoos on the leg hurt to do in the ankles and feet, because of the small interlayer of subcutaneous fat and a large number of nerve endings. Tattoos on the wrist hurt to do in places with thin skin and in the field of bones. In addition, the painful areas of the ribs, armpits, elbows and knee joints, the spine.

Where does it hurt to tattoo?

It is believed that the least painful are the areas of the body that contain the largest fatty layer between the bones and the skin. The most common places where it is not painful to do a tattoo are the shoulders, since in this area there is a fat layer and a small number of nerve endings. Also not a strong pain in the calf and buttocks, although these parts of the tattoo are not so common.

What is used to anesthetize when applying a tattoo?

The most commonly used drugs with a small analgesic effect in the form of sprays or gels based on lidocaine or benzocaine. The use of local anesthesia in the form of injections carries a risk, and most tattooists refuse such medications. For anesthesia, you can not take alcoholic beverages and narcotic substances, as well as drugs that increase bleeding, change blood pressure and violate blood coagulation, as this will all affect the quality of the tattoo. In fact, the body itself takes care of reducing pain, producing endorphins, hormones of joy, responsible for our mood and health. Often this explains the emergence of a desire to make another, and maybe not one, tattoo.