Early menopause

Climax is one of the mandatory stages that occurs in the life of every woman. Usually it falls on the age of 50-54 years, but the appearance of early menopause, beginning in 40-45 years, is not ruled out. If the men stop going, when a woman is 35-38 years old, then it is already a matter of premature menopause, which is associated with untimely depletion of the functionality of the ovaries.

Causes of early menopause

Specialists identify several main reasons for the early termination of the menstrual cycle, namely:

Symptoms of early menopause

The woman notices that among the normal cycles of menstruation, periods of delay begin to appear. Often, the abundance of blood secretions during menstruation and the appearance of blood clots in the middle of the cycle is drastically reduced. Also early menopause may be accompanied by:

Treatment of early menopause

A very important role is played by the prevention of such a situation, which consists in the correct organization of a way of life. However, if early menopause is already taking place, then it will be important to take phytopreparations, as well as hormone replacement therapy. This will provide an opportunity to prolong the time of functioning of the ovaries, reduce the manifestation of negative symptoms and the risk of heart, vessel and bone diseases.