Cowberry - useful properties

Lingonberry is a small heather bush with evergreen leaves. Production of berries began only in the last century, when people realized that this medicine for many ailments, absolutely unpretentious. Now it is cultivated on the plantations of northern countries - Sweden, Germany, Poland, Finland, Belarus, etc.

The excitement around the small red berries is quite understandable - cranberries have enviable useful properties.

Cowberry berries

Let's start with the beneficial properties of berries cranberries, or rather, with their composition:

First of all, it is worth mentioning about the beneficial properties of cranberry fruits in gastrointestinal ailments. It is recommended to use for gastritis with low acidity, gallstones, and also in putrefactive processes in the intestines, which are accompanied by dysbiosis, flatulence, bloating. Applied berries and with cholecystitis, stomach tumors, dysentery. In addition, lingonberries and cowberry juice are a known remedy for worms.

Due to the high content of vitamins and organic acids, cranberries are used for hypo- and avitaminosis. And the dried, frozen and fresh cranberries will be useful. Increase immunity , help cure colds, fever, measles - juice and berries extract.


Leaves of cowberry have their useful properties, including for weight loss.


Useful properties of cranberry leaves are used for diabetes - they prepare a decoction, which, incidentally, is useful for weight loss. To make such a decoction, just pour in a thermos 60 g of leaves 300 ml of boiling water. Insist "cranberry tea" should be only 10 minutes, then take three times a day before meals. Such tea lowers the level of sugar in the blood and, accordingly, the appetite. The same broth is advisable to use with stones in the kidneys, rheumatism and gout.

And if you are lucky enough to get blossoming twigs with leaves of cranberries, they can be useful in pregnancy and for the treatment of "female" diseases. It is useful even cranberry jam - and shoots with flowers, and berries (even in the form of jam) help to maintain a "complex" pregnancy.

Cowberry and Disease Treatment

Let's list, in what form, and under what diseases should be used cranberries:

Cowberry storage

Of course, the simplest thing is to freeze the berries and dry the leaves. But, as far as berries are concerned, there is a more effective way to save a maximum of vitamins.

To do this, washed cowberry berries should be spread over clean jars, pour chilled boiled water. Leave for 10 days. Then drain the water, bring to a boil and pour the cans back. After that, the cans can be sterilized in the usual way.