Zovirax Ointment

Herpes is considered the most common viral disease, its carriers are all people without exception. With the weakening of immunity and other violations of the normal functioning of the body, the disease takes a pronounced form - it appears as a "cold" on the lips, the cornea of ​​the eyes, and the genitals. Ointment Zovirax is effective for herpes of any type and other viral infections.

The use of Zovirax ointment

The main active substance of this drug is acyclovir, a chemical analogue of one of the nucleic acids, which, upon contact with the enzymes of the human body, has the ability to stop the spread of viruses in the body. Thus, the disease stops in a certain place, the virus does not capture new cells and creates ideal conditions for the body to develop immunity to it and cope with infection by its own forces. Zovirax ointment is used to treat such types of diseases:

The drug is available in the form of tablets, injection solutions, ointments with 5% acyclovir for the treatment of herpes on the body and ophthalmic ointment Zovirax for the treatment of keratitis caused by the herpes virus. The composition of ointment Zovirax for different parts of the body differs only in the concentration of the active substance - for the mucous membranes of acyclovir is needed less.

Zovirax from herpes

In order to cure herpes on the lips in one day, just start using Zovirax immediately, as soon as you feel a tingling sensation. If you have time to apply the drug before the bubble appears, it is very likely that there will be no visible manifestations of herpes at all and the virus will stop without actually starting.

When zoster and genital herpes, Zovirax should be applied pointwise 5 times a day. A prerequisite is to do it with a cotton swab, in gloves and thoroughly wash your hands after the procedure. It is desirable - several times. This is necessary in order to avoid the spread of herpes to other areas of the skin. Especially dangerous are the bursting bubbles and the liquid from them. For this reason, you should change your clothes daily, wash clothes and bedding. Also, try not to scratch the infected area.

If within 10 days Zovirax from herpes did not help - see a doctor. Most likely, the virus has become resistant to acyclovir and will require enhanced treatment. In this case, hospitalization is possible in order to combine external application of the drug with injections, droppers and other medications. Often, in addition to Zovirax ointment, the doctor prescribes pills.

Zovirax for the eyes

Also the preparation has perfectly proved for treatment of herpetic conjunctivitis and keratosis of the cornea of ​​eyes, caused by herpes. Zovirax - ointment For eyes that do not harm the sight. The main thing is to use a drug with an acyclovir content of 3%. It should be applied pointwise to the vesicles and mucous membranes. It is usually enough to repeat the procedure 3 times a day, but sometimes the doctor prescribes intensive treatment - up to five drug applications per day. The course of treatment is from five to seven days, but if you manage to cope with the problem sooner, the use of Zovirax can be stopped.

The drug is well tolerated, does not cause burning and other uncomfortable sensations. Acyclovir is easily excreted from the body through the kidneys, with the normal operation of this organ the elimination process takes 5-6 hours, with kidney diseases can be delayed by 9-11. In any case, no side effects when using Zovirax ointment were found. In rare cases, the drug caused an increase in dry skin.