Euphorbium compositum for children

Euphorbium compositum is an integrated homeopathic remedy for all types of colds, adenoids, otitis, and is also used for preventive purposes.

Homeopathy is gaining popularity in modern society. All because for many years physicians are prescribing more and more antibiotics to patients. It comes to the fact that newborn babies with usual cold are prescribed ten-day courses of treatment with the use of antibiotics. But they mercilessly kill the individual microflora in the intestines, have a lot of side effects and generally reduce the immunity.

Homeopathic remedies have no side effects. Their action is based on the introduction of small doses of substances that cause certain diseases, thereby helping to develop immunity and gently accustoming the body to fight the acquired infection.

Euphorbium compositum - composition

  1. Active substances: Euphorbium D4 - 1 g, Pulsatilla pratensis D2 - 1 g, Luffa operculata D2 - 1 g, Hydrargyrum bijodatum D8 - 1 g, Mucosa nasalis suis D8 - 1 g, Hepar sulfuris D10 - 1 g, Argentum nitricum D10 - 1 g g, Sinusitis-Nosode D13 - 1 g.
  2. Excipients: benzalkonium chloride, sodium dihydrogen phosphate, hydrophosphate and chloride, water.

Euphorbium compositum - properties

This drug is created from a complex of plant substances and minerals. Has antimicrobial and anti-allergic properties. Helps to remove the swelling of the mucosa, inflammatory processes in the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses. It moistens the nasal passages, facilitating breathing and eliminating the unpleasant feeling of dryness and burning. Also removes inflammation in the ear canals.

Spray Euphorbium compositum is allowed to children from birth for the prevention and treatment of the common cold, otitis and inflammation of the adenoids.

Euphorbium compositum - application

Euphorbium compositum with adenoids

The drug reduces inflammation in the field of adenoids, has an antibacterial effect.

Euphorbium compositum with genyantritis

Cleanses the maxillary sinuses, promotes the excretion of mucus. Removes inflammation and swelling of the mucosa. It makes breathing easier. In the chronic form of sinusitis, the drug prevents the exacerbation of the disease. In acute form of the disease - reduces the course of treatment.

Euphorbium compositum for prevention

This drug is sprayed into the nasal cavity, which is the channel for the intake of various infections and bacteria in the body. It is there that it helps to prevent the infection from getting inside.

It is recommended to use during periods of seasonal outbreaks of acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections, influenza, as it helps to increase the immune processes in the body.

Preventive courses will help reduce the risk of exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Euphorbium compositum - dosage

  1. Children from birth to six years - one injection in each nasal canal 3-4 times a day.
  2. Children after six years and adults - two injections into each nasal canal 4-6 times a day.

The course of treatment is appointed by the attending physician, but for maximum effect it is recommended to apply at least five days. The drug is not addictive, and the effectiveness of treatment directly depends on its duration.

Euphorbium compositum contraindications and side effects

The drug is approved for use by pregnant women and nursing mothers.

Contraindication may be an individual intolerance, any of the components of the drug.

If at any stage of treatment there were sensations of burning, dryness, or skin rashes were detected, the medication should be immediately withdrawn.