Hyperkeratosis of the skin

This disease is characterized by thickening of the epidermis layer. The process of accelerated cell growth arises because of disfiguring sloughing, which causes thickening. Hyperkeratosis of the skin is not an independent pathology, and most often is a consequence of lichen, ichthyosis and other diseases. Often this phenomenon occurs in healthy people on the elbows, knees or feet.

Hyperkeratosis of the feet

Thickening of the skin of the feet can occur under the influence of internal and external factors.

One of the most frequent causes of the disease is long-term pressure on individual parts of the foot. For this reason, the cells begin to rapidly divide, while the upper epidermis does not have time to peel, so the stratum corneum begins to thicken. Most often this is due to wearing uncomfortable shoes, tight or too loose shoes. Hyperkeratosis can also lead to overweight or high growth.

Among the internal factors, various skin diseases and disorders of the thyroid gland function are distinguished. Diabetes mellitus, which affects carbohydrate metabolism, can change the sensitivity of the feet, cause their dryness and disrupt the blood flow. Another cause of the disease may be skin diseases such as ichthyosis or psoriasis.

Hyperkeratosis of scalp

Often this ailment goes unnoticed, since the only signs for a long time can only be dandruff, brittle hair, dry scalp. Hyperkeratosis manifests itself in the form of irregularities, tubercles and small pimples.

Among the external factors causing the disease, there are:

For internal reasons include:

Hyperkeratosis of facial skin

Symptoms of the disease are manifested by thickening of individual areas, reddening of the epidermis, excessive dryness. The skin is peeling off, and in wrinkles when moving, there are wounds. With hyperkeratosis of the lips there are thickenings with whitish scales above the lip and inflammations around them.

Causes of ailment can be:

Treatment of skin hyperkeratosis

To cope with the thickening of the epidermis on the feet, it is necessary to apply complex care, including holding the bath, applying the drug at bedtime and special lotion in the morning. You should also regularly remove the coarse skin with pumice.

Combating hyperkeratosis of the head provides for the elimination of external factors and the use of special cosmetics, taking into account type of skin and hair. It is also important to fill the diet with vitamins, adhere to the drinking regime, maintain a normal body weight. As softening agents, it is advised to use fish oil , castor oil, glycerin, petroleum jelly or baby cream.

Treatment of facial hyperkeratosis involves resorting to an endocrinologist and a therapist to identify existing diseases. Eliminate symptoms by scrubbing and further softening with cream. Use of pumice and brush is prohibited, as this can lead to skin inflammation and infection. A dermatologist can prescribe aromatic retinoids that contain vitamins, and ointments containing glucocorticosteroids.