Copper in food products

The daily requirement of copper for an adult is 1-1.5 mg. This element does a great job in our body, and its deficiency leads to unpleasant consequences, so it is useful to know which foods have a particularly high copper content.

Copper in food products

  1. It is believed that the record for the content of copper is veal liver - 100 g of this product contains about 15 mg of copper. Therefore, people, in whose menu often there are dishes from the liver, may not be afraid of copper deficiency.
  2. On the second place in the content of this element are oysters - 100 g of mollusks bring from 2 to 8 mg of copper.
  3. A hundred grams of cocoa powder contains about 4 mg of copper, which means that quality bitter chocolate with a high content of cocoa can make up for the lack of this element.
  4. Sesame, which we add to salads and pastries is also quite rich in copper, 100 grams of seeds contain more than 4 mg of copper.
  5. To avoid the lack of this element regularly eat a few nuts or a handful of pumpkin seeds. A hundred grams of nuts and seeds contains from 2 to 1 mg of copper.

Copper is contained in other food products, the table clearly shows its quantity in meat, vegetables, fruits and dairy products.

Signs of copper deficiency

The following symptoms make it possible to suspect a deficit of this element:

When these complaints appear, you should adjust your diet by adding products rich in copper. In our body it regulates metabolism, as it is in the composition of important enzymes, neutralizes free radicals that destroy cells, promotes the conversion of iron into hemoglobin and participates in the work of the nervous system. In addition, copper is needed to ensure that the processes of tissue regeneration and cell regeneration proceed properly.

It is believed that with the simultaneous use of products rich in copper and zinc, competition arises between these elements, and the body can not absorb them properly. Therefore, products with high copper content should not be combined with products rich in zinc.