13 of the best lifhacks, simplifying the life of cats and their masters

Build yourself a couch for a cat or an original toy - yes easily! Owners of the four-witted came up with original lifhaki, which will help solve many problems.

Kittens, a beautiful house, different toys - is it expensive for you? Do not worry to make the life of your cat more comfortable and eliminate the emergence of various troubles, it is worth using simple tricks.

1. A small home oasis.

If you want to please your purr, then make a grass mat for it. Take a piece of strong polyethylene or other similar material, fill in a thin layer of earth and sow lawn grass. On the sides fence the construction of racks, that's the whole job. Another option for the basis of the lawn is a conventional plastic tray. Believe me, the animal will be happy with this gift.

2. An original place for rest.

Cats love secluded places so that nothing hinders them and is comfortable. Do not want to buy expensive stays - then make a hammock for your pet that can be placed under a chair or chair.

3. Economical tent.

Another option for the organization of a sleeping place for a pet. Different houses in pet stores are expensive, but there is an economical version of the available materials. It's very simple: make a wire from the wire and pull a T-shirt over it so that the neck serves as a hole.

In such a house the cat will be able to rest without fear of any interference from the outside.

4. Computer security.

It's hard to guess what makes a computer keyboard so attractive, okay laptops, they at least bask and it's convenient to rest on them, and what's the reason - it's unclear. In any case, the animal, walking or sitting down to sleep on the keyboard, can interfere with the work or, God forbid, delete the file or provoke more serious consequences. There is a way out - just put a box next to the table (they love them more than anything else), so that the animal settles down there and does not interfere.

5. No unpleasant odor.

Despite the statement of many manufacturers of cat fillers for the toilet, an unpleasant smell can still be felt. Cope with it will help a few leaves of green tea, which must be thrown into the tray. Do not worry, this smell does not irritate animals.

6. We protect ourselves and our things.

For the next lyfhakom still have to go to the store, and it is useful to people who have animals too active, like to spoil furniture and scratch. We do not know who invented them, but this is a brilliant invention - antitrack. They are affordable and easily glued to the nails of the animal, and the result looks very nice.

7. Relaxation and pacification.

Not all, but many cats just baldeut from the smell of catnip, which can be bought at pet stores. In addition, it is believed that it relaxes and reduces excessive activity and aggression, so do not be lazy and plant the plant in a pot on the windowsill.

8. An unusual way to fight fleas.

Do not want to buy special drugs and poison the animal, then try this method - put a large candle next to the cat. It is important to monitor the safety precautions so that the cat's fur or other objects do not catch fire. The fleas will attract the heat of the flame, they will jump over the candle, getting stuck in the molten wax, and die.

9. Do you want to take an animal? Make a puzzle.

Tired of collecting around the house different candy wrappers, lids and other things that the animal uses to play? The way out of this situation is: create a simple puzzle for which take a food container. In the lid make a few holes, a diameter larger than the cat's paw. The edges of the holes are recommended to be melted so that they are not sharp and do not injure the pet. Inside, put a toy mouse, a small ball, treats and other toys. Believe me, the desire to get the contents will take the animal for several hours.

10. Fighting binge eating.

Many cats either because of their greed, or because of stupidity they try to eat all the food that was in the bowl at a time. To deal with such insatiability, pour food into a flat plate, deceiving the pet.

11. We do not share insects.

People living in their homes often feed animals on the street, where other living things can also claim a treat, for example, ubiquitous ants, which the cat clearly does not like. To prevent this, there is a simple lifhak - circle a bowl of food and water with chalk. The ants will be closed.

12. Protection for furniture.

Cats need to sharpen their claws. If you have not bought or made a special device for him, then be prepared for the fact that the soft furniture in the house will suffer. In such a situation, it is recommended to paste two-sided adhesive tape on the target sites. The animal will not like the sticky surface, and it will quickly disaccustom from the bad habit, well, and you will build a pet to scratch. The simplest option is to twist the leg of the table with a string.

13. Protection for flowers on the windowsill.

Another weakness of cats is the flower pots, where they can chew the plant, dig in the ground, in general, tear themselves away to glory. Often such entertainment ends with broken pots and spoiled plants. To do this, a simple lifhak was invented: lay the cones between the pots, which will not allow the animals and will serve as an additional decor.