Venus flytrapper at home

On the Atlantic coast an inconspicuous but formidable flower grows - a venus flytrap or Dionia flycatcher, as it is also called. In nature, this predatory insectivorous plant lives most often on peat bogs.

Dionea feeds on insects, spiders and even mollusks. The "mouth" of this predator consists of two valves, along the edge of which there are sharp spines. Inside are the glands that emit a fragrant nectar, it even attracts insects into a trap. It is worth the victim only to touch sensitive hairs on the surface of the leaf, how instantly the reflex works and the trap is shut. True, the flaps of the venus flytrap are closed first loose, and the insect still has a chance to get out of the "mouth" of the predator plant. If this happens, then about a day later the trap will open.

Such a mechanism arose in the plant in order to exclude "false triggering" due to trapped rain drops, various sticks and twigs. But if the insect can not get out of the trap, then the shutters close even more tightly and the victim will not be able to save anything. As soon as the food is digested, and it takes up to ten days, the leaves open and "in the mouth" of the plant remains only the chitinous coating of the insect. Each such trap is designed for only three processing processes, then it simply dies. Unpleasant smell, unlike other predatory plants, the flycatcher Dionia does not.

How to grow a venus flytrap at home

Grow Venus flytrap in the open air, in a winter greenhouse , on a loggia and even in a terrarium or aquarium . You can raise her and home in a pot. Despite its aggressive nature, a venus flytrap at home can bloom with small white flowers, located on long stems. As a rule, it is not difficult to take care of a venus flytrap. The most important thing is to create conditions similar to natural ones: sufficient humidity, suitable soil and good lighting.

  1. The plant is photophilous, but it should not be placed under direct sunlight. The most suitable place is on the east or west window sill, and in winter, most likely, you will need additional lighting. The flower does not like stagnant air, so more often ventilate the room where the plant lives.
  2. Ground for the venus flytrap is needed sand-peat. To avoid drying the soil, it is desirable to spread the moss on top of it.
  3. Watering the flycatcher venerein at home should be moderate, in no case can not pour or dry the plant: from this it can die. It is best to put a pot of venus flytrap in a tray filled with water so that all the holes in the pot are under water. It should be clean, as needed, it needs to be changed. Water the plant preferably soft melt water or filtered through a filter.
  4. In autumn, the flyweight Dionea begins to prepare for the rest period. Leaves in it cease to grow, therefore it is necessary to pour out the water from the pan. However, occasionally it should be watered, not letting dry the soil in the pot. In winter, a pot with a flytrap is best placed in a plastic bag and placed on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator or on a glassed-in loggia. Transplant venus flytrap can be done in the spring, when the plant only wakes up from hibernation. Grunt for this you need to take not from the garden, but only peat or sand-peat.
  5. You can not tease or feed a Venus flytrap with insects, so you can ruin your plant. Let her catch herself and "eat" prey.
  6. The flower of Venus is multiplied by the flycatcher by cuttings, by the division of a bush or by seeds.

Venus Flycatcher is very popular with fans of exotics. With good care, Dionia will delight you with a beautiful color and interesting communication.