16 deadly animals: how to stay alive at a meeting?

Forewarned is forearmed. So you can name a selection of tips on what you need to do to save your life in a skirmish with deadly animals.

In the world there is a huge number of animals that are dangerous to people, and meeting with them can result in death. To increase your chances of salvation, it is useful to learn about the advice of experienced hunters how to properly deal with the most dangerous predators.

1. Crocodile

The largest reptile in the world every year, on average, causes the death of 2.5 thousand people. Death from this animal is terrible, because it first bites the victim, and then untwists it, biting off pieces of flesh.

Tip: Crocodiles skillfully disguise themselves in reservoirs, so when attacking from the water the chance to survive is minimal, unless the animal misses. If the meeting occurred on land, and up to a crocodile about 5-6 meters, then you need to quickly escape. It can reach speeds of up to 16 km / h, but at the same time for long distances it quickly exhales. You need to run in a straight line, not zigzagging. If a skirmish has occurred, then try to pin the snout to the ground so that it can not open its mouth. In addition, keep in mind that the most painful place for a crocodile is eyes, but if you do not reach them, then beat into the nostrils. If the hand was in the jaws of the beast, then you should try to damage the palatine valve, which is behind the base of the tongue.

2. Boa constriction

Snakes who like to "cuddle" suffocate their victims. Their grip is so strong that they can break bones. Rarely, but a dangerous meeting with a boa constrictor is possible.

Tip: If the snake begins to twist the body (more often it's the neck), then in such a situation it is important not to panic, as it causes one to breathe frequently, and each breath will lead to a stronger squeezing of the boa. You need to breathe calmly and for a long time. You can try to bite a boa constrictor, which will make him loosen the grip. If the hands are free, then hit the snake over the head with any blunt object. Boas do not like victims who resist, so they can weaken the grip even more and then it will be possible to throw off the attacker from himself.

3. Hyena

The hyena dogs look awesome, and meeting them is very dangerous. They hunt in groups, surrounding the victim, and the chances of getting out of this trap are approaching zero. According to statistics, the percentage of victims is 80%. They attack quickly and straighten out the man and the animal for a minute.

Tip: To survive, you need to avoid situations where you find yourself in the circle of hyenas, as they are almost impossible to intimidate and rebuff even with a stick, since the attack will occur simultaneously from several sides. You can try to fight off with stones, a torch and various heavy objects.

4. The Wolf

The ancestors of domestic dogs in most cases go to the hunt for a pack. Wolves can pursue a victim for a long time, waiting for the right moment. You can meet with them, for example, during a hike in the forest. The wolf jumps on the victim and tries to cling to the head or neck.

Tip: Thinking about the method of salvation, you need to be guided by the fact that these wild animals run fast, but they do not know how to climb trees, so you need to try to climb a tree and wait until they get tired of waiting for you. If the encounter with the wolf took place in the field, then you should prepare for the battle. It is useful in this case stick, which should try to shoot down the animal at the time of the jump. Even at this time you have to kick your foot in the groin. To protect your neck, put forward your hand, after winding a jacket or something else on it. After this, try to sit on the wolf and bend his head back. Due to this, it is possible to loosen the grip, cause the animal pain and force it to retreat.

5. The poisonous spider

In the world there are a huge number of species of spiders that can be deadly to humans. A poison can act on a person in different ways, for example, it can turn off blood or cause a cardiac arrest.

Tip: If the spider bites, then you need to rinse the bite site with soap and water and apply a cold compress. Try to keep the affected area below the level of the heart. Then immediately seek help.

6. Buffalo

In most cases, animals move in packs and never escape from danger, but, on the contrary, go on the attack. They try to pierce their opponent with horns, and then trample.

Advice: It is important to understand that buffaloes never imitate an attack, but immediately attack, and survive in a fight with him is unrealistic. The only chance of escape is to run away as fast as possible and climb onto a tree.

7. The Lion

More than their time, lions lead a lazy lifestyle, but if they do not like something, they can become aggressive. As a result, safaris or other similar entertainment can end badly. During the attack, the lion digs into the trachea and strangles its prey to death.

Tip: If there was a situation in which you had to face this dangerous animal, then you do not need to make any abrupt movements, but do not look away, keeping eye contact. It is necessary to retreat slowly. Before attacking, the lions in most cases run up to the victim several times and stop in a few steps. In this case, you need to raise your hands and start screaming, which can make the king of animals change his mind and retreat.

8. The Tiger

Another representative of the feline, who is ruthless to his prey. Tigers, having spotted the victim, creep up to her and then commit an attacking leap.

Tip: When you notice a tiger nearby, you should behave as loudly as possible to frighten it away. If this does not work and the predator is approaching, preparing to jump, you should take a chance and try to dodge it. In addition, try to throw the earth in his eyes to disorient. To combat the tiger, use stones, sticks and the like. If there is fire, then set fire to the stick and wave it in front of you. Tigers do not like victims who resist too actively, they also hurt them, so they can retreat.

9. Leopard

One more feature of feline animals is that it hunts alone, and it is difficult to notice during hunting, as it is very dexterous and well disguised.

Tip: Leopards, like lions, kill their victims by strangulation, but do not look them in the eye, because it will be a challenge for them. To be saved, it is important to stand motionless, but if the leopard starts to approach, then it is necessary, as in the case of the lion, to try to appear bigger and scream.

10. The Gorilla

Although these monkeys are similar to humans, they are much stronger. Gorillas, although they are herbivores, can aggressively manifest themselves towards people.

Tip: If you saw an evil primate nearby, you do not need to make sudden movements, just calmly, head down, leave. This will show the animal that you do not plan to claim its territory. If the gorilla touches her hand, then show her affection, and not aggression, which will help her to calm down.

11. The Bear

Pleases the fact that most bears do not attack people, except for grizzlies. Aggressive animals just torment their huge claws sacrifice, leaving it to bleed.

Advice: It is strictly forbidden to shout at the animal and make sudden movements. Running and climbing trees is pointless, because it will be easy for a bear to get you. Hunters who met with bears, recommend to look calm. Pull your arms out to seem large, and speak in a low voice, showing the animal that you are not aggressive. During this, slowly retreat back, but do not turn your back to the bear.

12. The bee-killer

To begin with, it is worth explaining that under the bee killer is a hybrid of an African bee that is aggressive and can attack swarms on humans. Lure dangerous insects to yourself can be a strong perfume, shiny decorations and even dark clothes. If you intend to decide to destroy the beehive-killer beehive, then it will not be possible to avoid the attack.

Advice: First you should try to escape, protecting your face. The right decision is to run against the wind. Do not wave your hands, as this will further provoke bees. Diving into the body of water is not an option, as long it will not work underwater, and the bees will not be lazy to wait to repeat the attack. Try to find some kind of shelter, and it's better if it's a building. Another option is to cover with a blanket or any other object. After that, assess your condition. It is necessary to remove the sting, from which the poison continues to flow. Do it right: scrape it with your fingernail or other sharp object. Then contact the rescue service.

13. Shark

There is a huge amount of evidence about the attack of sharks, and not many in this fight managed to survive. The most dangerous for people is a large white shark. Surprisingly, they do not like the taste of a person, so they usually bite off their limbs and leave a sacrifice, this leads to a rupture of the artery, and the person bleeds.

Tip: It is important to understand that sharks in most cases swim to people out of curiosity, so it's important not to panic, as this leads to unnecessary movements, which in this situation are completely unnecessary. It is worth knowing that the most sensitive part of the body is the nose, so you need to hit the shark as much as possible in this place. This should make her sail away.

14. The poisonous snake

There are many types of venomous snakes, but it is encouraging that they themselves are afraid and avoid people. They can kill themselves in different ways, but in most cases, the poison paralyzes the muscles, curls blood or stops the heart.

Tip: If you stumble upon a snake, do not make sudden movements and provoke it to attack. The correct decision is to slowly retreat, changing the direction. When the snake pursues, you need to kick your foot hard to create vibrations that will help her scare away. If a snake bites, and there is no way to ask for help, you should lower the affected area below the level of the heart to reduce the flow of poison to the organ. Sucking off the poison is possible only if there is confidence that there is no wound in the mouth, otherwise poisoning can not be avoided. The bandage should be applied to the wound, not above or below it. If possible, then take a picture of the snake or memorize its features, it is important for selecting the appropriate antidote.

15. Hippo

Huge animals look lazy and slow, but this is an illusion. Just imagine that in Africa every year more people die from the attack of hippos than from any other wild animal. Especially dangerous is to be in the water space of a hippo, because it perceives it as a direct threat. Hippo can grasp the victim in half with his jaws.

Tip: It's not worth running away from an angry hippo, since it can run at speeds up to 50 km / h. The right decision is to climb a tree and take refuge in a place where a huge animal can not get through.

16. Elephant

Many perceive elephants as slow and friendly animals, but in the wild they can be aggressive and run fast. Elephants try to pierce their prey with tusks and trample it to death.

Tip: When the elephants are angry and ready to attack, they will aggressively clap their ears and buzz. They will simulate the attack several times, so you need to show that you are a worthy opponent, but you do not have to run away. Do everything to look as much as possible and louder. In order not to attract other elephants with your odor, stand in the direction of the wind.