How is this possible? 12 facts about Ancient Egypt, which scientists can not explain until now

The history of Ancient Egypt is full of different secrets, many of which scientists still can not solve. Your attention - a few unusual facts.

Many ancient civilizations have a mysterious reputation, scientists try to uncover their secrets for more than a decade. Secrets are enveloped and Egypt - there are a number of questions that still remain unanswered, and so far you can only make assumptions.

1. How was granite treated?

If you look at the processing of granite sarcophagi, it is impossible not to be surprised at the high quality of the work. It is unclear how the ancient Egyptians achieved this without modern technology. In those days, stone and copper tools were used that can not cope with a solid granite rock.

2. Whence such power?

In the courtyard of the memorial temple of Ramses II, fragments of a giant statue were found. Just imagine, it was made of a single piece of pink granite and had a height of 19 m. An approximate calculation shows that the weight of the whole statue could be about 100 tons. How it was manufactured and transported to the place is not clear. All this seems to be some kind of magic.

3. The mysterious stone circle

The most famous stone circle is Stonehenge, but it is not the only one of its kind, for example, there is such a structure in southern Egypt. Nabta-Playa-Stone is a collection of flat rocks that was discovered in 1974. Scientists have not yet understood the real purpose of this composition.

4. What is inside the famous pyramid?

The miracle of the world, which attracts millions of tourists, hides many secrets. For example, everyone was sure that the Cheops pyramid consists of three chambers, but recent experiments have refuted this view. To conduct the research, small robots were used, who walked through the tunnels and surveyed. As a result, the images revealed tunnels that no one had seen before. There is an assumption that under the pyramid there are still many hidden premises.

5. Strange shoe store

An unusual find awaited the archaeologist Angelo Sesana, who conducted research in Egypt. Between the walls was found a box with a 2000-year history, and in it were found seven pairs of temple shoes. It is worth noting that it was not a local production, and therefore was expensive. What was her destiny? By the way, did you notice that shoes are very similar to the popular Vietnamese in the modern world?

6. Beautiful crystal eyes

On some statues of ancient Egypt you can see pupils made of rock crystal in the eyes. Scientists are perplexed how it was possible to obtain processing of this quality without turning and grinding machines. It should be noted that these inserts, like human eyes, change the shade depending on the angle of illumination and even imitate the capillary structure of the retina. Most of the processing of lenses in ancient Egypt was spread around 2500 BC, and then the technology for some reason ceased to be used.

7. What led to the death of Tutankhamun?

Scientists have conducted more than one study, but could not determine the exact cause of death of the most famous Egyptian pharaoh. There are scientists who are sure that Tutankhamun died because of poor health, as his parents were a brother and sister. There is another version based on x-ray images and tomography of the mummy. Studies have shown that Pharaoh's ribs were damaged, and some even were missing, and his leg was also broken. This leads to the fact that death was caused, perhaps, by a fall.

8. Strange royal burial ground

The British Egyptologist conducted excavations in 1908 and found a royal burial ground near Qurna, in which two ornate sarcophagi were discovered. At the moment they are in the National Museum of Scotland. Studies have shown that they belong to the XVII or XVIII dynasties, and the bodies were older than the mummy of Tutankhamun, for about 250 years. One mummy is a young woman, and the second is a child, presumably her. Their bodies were decorated with gold and ivory.

9. The fate of Nefertiti

One of the famous rulers of Ancient Egypt ruled together with Pharaoh Akhenaten. There are suggestions that she was a co-ruler, but there are scientists who say that she was a full-fledged pharaoh. It is still unknown how Nefertiti's life ended and where she is buried.

10. Real name of the Sphinx

This mythical creature does not know as much information as one would like. For example, not only ordinary people, but scientists have not yet been able to determine what exactly this sculpture symbolizes in fact. Another topic that worries: why it was chosen exactly the name "Sphinx", perhaps this word had an important overtones.

11. The mysterious kingdom of Yam

Decoding of documents allowed to learn that more than 4 thousand years ago in Egypt was a kingdom called Yam, which was rich and fertile. Egyptologists still do not know where it was and, most likely, it will remain a secret, as the data is lost.

12. A terrible scream of a mummy

Many people, seeing images of mummies, are sure that they are screaming and, probably, because people died in agony. There are scientists who believe that some people in ancient Egypt were buried alive. Other scientists make a different assumption: the mouth of the dead was opened specially so that during the ritual ceremonies the spirit could leave the body and go to the afterlife.