Opening of abscess

Education in the skin, mucous membranes and soft tissues of the cavity, filled with pus, is fraught with serious complications, up to the infection of blood and sepsis. For their prevention, surgeons perform an opening of the abscess. This is a relatively simple and quick procedure that allows you to remove pus and prevent its spread to healthy areas.

General rules for opening an abscess

The activity under consideration is performed under local anesthesia, usually 0.25-0.5% solution of Dicaine, Novocaine or other similar preparation, or freezing with chloro-ethyl.

The technique of the procedure depends on the depth of the cavity's location with pus. Thus, the opening of the paratonsillar or abscess on the gum is carried out at the site of the greatest protrusion of its wall. The incision is made inward at a distance of 1-1.5 cm, so as not to damage the nerve bundles and accumulations of blood vessels by accident. After the release of the bulk of pus, the doctor neatly expands the wound, destroying the septum in the abscess and penetrating into all its individual chambers. This allows to completely remove the contents of the pathological cavity and prevent relapses. Similarly, any other superficial abscesses are opened.

With a deep accumulation of pus, a layer technique using a probe is used. This approach excludes traumatization of vital vessels, organs and neural bundles.

After opening the abscess, a bandage is applied with ointments containing antibiotics and accelerating wound healing, for example, Levomecol, Mafenid, and Levosil. Also, drainage is installed, which allows to completely remove any remaining pus from the cavity.

Antiseptic treatment with antimicrobial and hypertonic solutions is carried out daily. At the same time, the drainage devices and dressings are changed.

What if the fever has risen after the opening of the abscess?

As a rule, the described procedure does not cause any complications and significantly improves well-being. In rare cases, an increase in body temperature is possible, indicating an incomplete purification of the purulent cavity. If this symptom appears, as well as pain, redness, or swelling of the skin around the abscess, you should immediately consult a doctor. The doctor will perform a repeated removal of pus and antiseptic treatment of the wound, prescribe antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs.