Mount of Olives - the most expensive cemetery in the world and a "ticket" to heaven

The western and southern slope of the Mount of Olives or Mount of Olives is the oldest and most expensive cemetery in the world. And the point in this article will be about this place.

Few of us think about the place in the cemetery. Most often this topic does not bring pleasure, so this issue is not very desirable. But some rich people think that with the help of money they will be able to secure their way to paradise.

If there is a demand for this error, then there is an offer. On our Earth there is a cemetery where one place costs from hundreds of thousands of dollars, the richest and most influential people seek to get there after an hour X. The oldest cemetery is in Jerusalem on the slopes of the Mount of Olives. The dimensions of this burial place are so huge that it seems to be endless. Here there are at least 150 thousand graves, and the first burial date back to the 1st century BC.

Today, the place for the burial of one person here costs from 100 thousand US dollars. But it is noteworthy that not everyone who wishes can buy for himself such fabulous money for a burial place. On the Oil Cemetery, only Jewish Jews are allowed to bury.

This cemetery is famous for the fact that according to the legend, the one who is buried here has a "discount ticket" for transferring the soul to heaven after death. And it was here that the wonderful resurrection of Lazarus took place, which Jesus Christ created.

This place is repeatedly described in the Gospel, as Jesus conducted teachings there with the apostles.

The holy book also indicates that it was from the Mount of Olives that Jesus descended to the people as the Messiah. And the most significant event on this mountain was the ascension of Jesus Christ, therefore all the churches located near the holy place are called Ascension.

It is said that such prophets as Agha, Zakhariya and Malachi are buried here, soldiers who died in 1947-1948 during the struggle for Independence, victims of the brutal pogroms of the late 1920s and the dead Jews during the "Great Arab Revolt".

There is the grave of Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin, the prominent Israeli writer Shmuel Yosef Agnon, the Hebrew revived Jew, the German writer Elsa Lasker-Shiler and many other famous figures of art and the spiritual sphere who made a great contribution to the development of mankind.

There are rumors that Iosif Kobzon and prima donna Alla Borisovna have been able to buy a burial place in this cemetery, but to this day there is neither confirmation nor refutation of this information.