Synergetic effect - the concept of synergy and synergistic effect

It is difficult to deny the fact that a cohesive group works much more efficiently than one person, and this applies to different spheres of life. Synergetic effect is often mentioned when it comes to working in a team, but few people know its exact definition.

What is the synergistic effect?

The positive result of teamwork of a group of people is called a synergistic effect. It is worth noting that it can be both positive and negative. Synergetic effect is a law that manifests itself in different spheres, for example, in the following directions:

  1. In nature, synergy is manifested in the work of two different species. An example is the situation where birds clean the teeth of a crocodile, which not only maintain the purity of the mouth of the reptile, but they also receive food.
  2. Particularly important is the synergetic effect in work and business, where teamwork is good. By combining specialists in different fields into a single mechanism, success is achieved in a short period of time. With the help of synergy, you can successfully promote the product, using several programs, instead of one option.
  3. This mechanism is also used in medicine, for example, in order to cure the disease, a person is prescribed several medications that "attack" the virus from different sides and strengthen each other's action.
  4. A special role is played by the synergetic effect in Orthodoxy, where the term denotes the joint effort of man and God for spiritual perfection.
  5. Many people mistakenly believe that synergy can not be used in creativity, but it's not so, and a striking example is the movie, which is obtained through the work of a large team: actors, director, cameramen and so on. If all these people acted one by one, then they did not get a good movie.

Positive synergistic effect

In order to obtain and evaluate the positive effect of the synergistic law, it is necessary to direct the activity of each participant in the work process in one direction. For this, different rules and methods are used. Evaluation of the synergistic effect is carried out according to the following criteria:

  1. There is a rationalization and optimization of the technological process, and the use of resources.
  2. Increased demand for products or activities.
  3. The effectiveness of management activities is increasing.
  4. The competitiveness and stability of the organization is growing.
  5. Improves the situation in the team.

Negative synergistic effect

The situation in which a separate work of units or people gives better results than joint activity is called the effect of negative synergetics. This may be due to a number of reasons:

  1. Reassessing the possible benefits that could be obtained by using synergies .
  2. The use of a synergistic law only when using persuasion or coercion to work together.
  3. Improper definition of synergistic effects.
  4. Omission from attention or underestimation of negative moments and risks.

Synergetic effect in business

For successful entrepreneurial activity it is recommended to use the law of synergy, which will help achieve results in a shorter period of time. The essence of the synergetic effect is that it is much more difficult to develop a successful business alone or to cope with large-scale work than to do everything in a team that has common interests, goals and objectives.

It is important to note that positive results in business will be noted not only for the whole group, but also for each participant. This is explained by the fact that the person working in the team will achieve greater results than when acting alone, but also the group will come to better results, in comparison with the total activity of all the participants separately. For successful business it is important that all employees and departments are not isolated from each other, but harmoniously united in a single mechanism.

Synergetic effect in marketing

The law of synergy is widely used in the marketing system to obtain good performance results. The main synergetic effects of innovation are achieved through careful planning, coordination and organization of all participants in the process. It is important to involve all subjects of the marketing system to meet the needs of the consumer. The result depends on how effectively partners will interact, the impact of negative factors and the presence of negative feedbacks.

Synergy (synergistic effect) is an analysis of changes. To properly design a future product, you need to carefully study the trends and processes occurring in the external environment. It is equally important to take into account the development of science and technology, as well as the tendencies of the global globalization process and the market (national, regional and sectoral).

The formula of synergetic effect in sport

It has already been said that the law is applicable for different spheres of life. The essence of this concept of synergy and synergetic effect lies in the self-organization of complex systems and the unification of players into a cohesive team.

  1. The task of the athlete and coach is to organize the body's work correctly in order to achieve a balance between chaos and order. Failures occur in breathing, palpitation, muscle work, hormonal rhythms, and so on. Correct development of the body helps the athlete achieve good results.
  2. Synergetic effect can generate coordinated work of the team, which is important in certain sports. The result, which is achieved due to the cohesive activities of several people, will be higher than the sum of their successes separately.