Pregnancy test during menstruation

Often, the girls, while reflecting on whether they are pregnant or not, conduct a pregnancy test during the current monthly discharge. Let's consider the given situation and we will find out: informative and whether such method of diagnostics is justified at this time?

Will the pregnancy test show before the onset of a delay?

As you know, this diagnostic tool is based on establishing the level of hCG in the body in a pregnant woman, part of which is excreted in the urine from the body. This hormone begins to be produced after fertilization, and every 2 days its concentration is doubled.

Taking into account this fact, the pregnancy test, conducted with monthly, theoretically can show the result. However, for this, a woman should use an ultrasensitive, jet test. It is they who have the lower threshold for determining the concentration of hCG in urine is greatest. In this case, he can point to pregnancy for 3-4 days of menstrual flow.

Let's remind, that monthly at the come pregnancy in norm are not observed. However, such a phenomenon is still possible, because of the wrong time, late ovulation, a violation of the function of the hormonal system.

Does the fact of monthly affect the result of the test?

As a rule, the fact that a woman conducts research directly during menstruation, does not affect the result in any way. However, at the same time, it is necessary to remember that there are such concepts as false positive and false negative results. That's why doctors recommend to conduct a second study after the menstruation is over.

It should be borne in mind that a number of factors influence the reliability of the result: it is recommended to conduct the test directly in the morning, while 2 hours before it is not worth using a lot of liquid. Otherwise, the concentration of hCG may decrease, and the pregnancy test will become false-negative.

In order to accurately determine the pregnancy is already in the period of menstruation, a girl can donate blood to the level of hCG. This method is the most reliable, it allows to establish the fact of gestation practically on 4-5 day after conception.