Why do people get married?

The modern institution of marriage is in crisis. In Europe, then practice unions under the marriage contract, they switch to guest marriages, and the universal percentage of divorces varies from 60 to 80%. Modern youth do not understand why it is necessary to marry, and prefers to live a civil marriage (however, this initiative usually belongs to men). And really, why do people get married?

Why should I marry?

Now, thinking about why we are getting married, many will respond - that there were legitimate children, and there was no need for their own father

However, this is purely the external side of the issue. In fact, marriage provides much for the inner world of man.

Why do people get married?

Jokingly they say that if for some reason a man marries, it's only for the sake of clean shirts and borscht. In fact, marriage gives much more:

In general, relations, secured by law, give a person peace of mind and confidence in the future, the right to compromise and a stimulus for patience. We are all not perfect, but in marriage it is easier to forgive each other for minor imperfections.