How to tie tomatoes in the open - the best ways

Ogorodniki always grow different varieties of tomato, which differ in height bush. To long stems and branches do not break, you need to know how to tie tomatoes in the open ground. There are several ways to conduct such a procedure with its own peculiarities.

Do I need to tie tomatoes?

Not all varieties need to be fixed to the support, so early and low plants can do without a garter. Many gardeners argue about the importance of such a procedure, so before you figure out how to tie tomatoes in the open, you should indicate its existing advantages:

  1. One of the mandatory procedures to prevent the growth of the bush is its pasynkovanie . It is more convenient to carry it out when the plant is fixed.
  2. Thanks to the raising of the branches above the ground, it is possible to avoid spoilage of the crop, since tomatoes will not rot, and will be attacked by pests.
  3. Carrying out watering is important that moisture does not fall on the leaves and ovaries, and if the bush lies on the ground, then it will be difficult to realize.
  4. Gartering a tall tomato in the open ground is important to prevent a fracture of the stem due to the weight of the fruit.
  5. Due to the vertical location of the bush, it becomes open to the sun and air, which contributes to better development. Spraying in this case is also easier, and the procedure will be more effective.

How to tie tomatoes in the open ground - appliances

It is a mistake to believe that different materials can be used for the procedure, since they must be safe and reliable. In most cases, a wooden support or metal rods, rope, mesh and so on is used. The stores sell a special loop for garter tomatoes, which is reusable. Please note that with the use of fixing materials in the next season, it is necessary to carry out disinfection. For this purpose, boiling water or a chlorine solution can be used.

Stakes for a garter of a tomato

Most gardeners use stakes made of wood to fix the bushes, which should be approximately the same length. Still it is possible to use pipes from metal and plastic, and still thick rods. Gum sticks for tomatoes are installed next to the bushes, and they should be 25-30 cm above the plants, because at this distance, they become deeper. Place them at a distance of 10-15 cm from the trunk, so as not to damage the root system.

Rope for a garter of a tomato

To fix the bushes to the pole, a rope is often used, but it is important to pay attention to its thickness. It is not recommended to take thin ropes, as they can cut the stems. In the garden shops you can buy a special twine for a garter tomato, which is easy to use and safe. It is best to cut it into the same pieces so that the rope does not get tangled during the garter.

Racks for a garter of a tomato

For the fixation of vegetable crops, different designs are used, which can be bought in a shop already ready-made or made by hand. It is important that it is compact and does not take up much space, but it was easy to tie tomatoes to it. The design for a garter tomato can be straight, like a wall, to have the shape of a circle or triangle. There are racks designed for each bush individually and large supports for entire rows.

Wire for a garter of a tomato

Often people use materials for fixing bushes, for example, different versions of wire. All tomato garter methods exclude the use of wire, which often leads to damage to the soft trunk and branches. Because of this, it is not recommended to use threads, fishing line and other thin garter materials. If there is nothing else, then it is better to take a cotton cloth and cut it into strips 4-5 cm wide. Another available option is old tights or stockings that are soft and well stretch.

Ways of gartering tomatoes

Many gardeners have a favorite way to garter, so you can try a few options to choose the most acceptable. It is worth recommending to acquire capital constructions that will last no one year. There is some instruction how to properly tie tomatoes in the open ground, on which you can navigate:

  1. At first, it is recommended to conduct pasynkovanie and prepare all the necessary materials for the chosen method of fixation.
  2. The next stage is the preparatory work for the construction of a support system.
  3. After this, the garter is performed and the procedure is completed by watering the plant.

How to tie tall tomatoes on a grid?

A common option, thanks to which you can hold a garter of several bushes at once. It is necessary at the end and the beginning of the row to drive in supports, for example, wooden beams or iron pipes. Between them stretches a mesh made of metal or plastic. Such methods of tying tomatoes in the open ground are suitable for other vegetable crops, for example, cucumbers.

Experienced gardeners recommend using a network with large cells to make it easier to attach the stems and branches of the plant. Describing how to tie tomatoes in the open ground on a grid, it is worth noting an important advantage - as the growth of tomatoes, you can fix the branches at a more convenient level. When using a metal mesh, it can not be removed for the winter, and plastic options are preferable to twist before the onset of cold weather.

Garter a tomato on a horizontal trellis

One of the most convenient options, thanks to which you can tie all the bushes at once. There are recommendations on how best to tie tomatoes on a horizontal trellis:

  1. It is necessary to prepare two powerful bars or pipes and dig them into the ground at the beginning and end of the row.
  2. Between the prepared supports the twine is stretched in one or several rows, taking into account that the periodicity should be 30-40 cm.
  3. For horizontal stretchings, buy steel U-shaped studs that will hold the trellis.
  4. For those who are interested in how to tie tomatoes in the open ground to a horizontal trellis, it is important to specify that there are two options for fixing bushes. If several rows of twine are tensioned, then the selected garter should attach the central stem to the horizontal trellis. You can fix the stem, using several parallel stretch, directing the plants then on one side of the trellis, then on the other, creating an interlacing.

Garter a tomato on a vertical trellis

Beginner farmers are sure that the presented method of fixation can be used only when growing vegetables in the greenhouse.

  1. Garter tomato in the open ground on the trellis vertical is possible when constructing high supports, since the bushes are attached to a horizontal crossbar.
  2. The dressing material is chosen so that its length is equal to the height from the ground and to the transverse twine plus 30 cm.
  3. Tie it in the bottom of the plant under the bottom sheet, but note that the stem will thicken, so there must be a stock.
  4. After that, dress the material around the spiral plant and fix it for the transverse twine.

Garter the tomato eight

This method involves the use of ordinary stakes, and it is considered the most simple and affordable. Driving the support should be at a depth of 25-3 cm. Correct garter of tomatoes in the open ground indicates the need to use individual stakes for each bush. The trunk of the plant is wrapped around the selected garter material and its ends need to be crossed with a figure-eight, twisted and tied to the support. The instructions on how to properly tie tomatoes in the open ground to the support indicated that such manipulations are also carried out with heavy brushes.

Garter the tomato in the open ground on wire frame

In this case, the use of blanks in the form of circles made of thick wire is implied. Describing how to tie tomatoes in the open field, it is worth pointing out that the circles need to be attached to several metal supports at different levels in order to get a strong cage in the form of a cylinder. In garden stores you can buy ready-made designs.

Similar ways of tying cucumbers and tomatoes mean individual fixation of each bush, which for many is a costly activity. Finished cells are dug to a depth of 15-20 cm, and then, the garter of the seedling is carried to it. Instead of a wire frame, you can make it from wooden beams, but then they will have a square shape.