International Cinema Day

The holiday of filmmakers and just fans of cinema is widely celebrated all over the world. The date of the International Day of Cinema is timed to coincide with the day when the Lumiere brothers held the first session of the cinema in Paris, showing the movie "Arrival of the train to the La Ciotat Station". And it happened on December 28 , 1895, at the Bolshoy Kapucinov in the Grand Café.

A few months earlier, namely - on March 22, the brothers received a patent for the film camera they invented earlier and held the first film show in world history, showing only the narrowest circle of friends a short film "The Exit of Workers from the Lumiere Plant". But to the question - in which month the International Cinema Day is celebrated, the answer is still December, when a public cinema session was held.

When the movie about the arrival of the train was shown, a panic occurred among the spectators. People were so impressed by what they saw that they simply jumped from their seats in a fit of fear and ran away from the hall. They were afraid of the approaching train, which, it seemed, was about to crush them.

The first movie session in Russia

The premiere of the first ever film in Russia took place 13 years later - in October 1908. It was a short film about Stenka Razin, created thanks to the Russian folk song "Past the Islands on the Rod". The length of the film was only 7 minutes.

Of course, a lot of time has passed since then, in the film industry there have been incredible changes - from silent movies to voiced ones, from black and white to full color and from film to modern digital.

Every year in the world there are many film festivals, such as the Cannes Film Festival, the Venice International Film Festival, the Moscow International Film Festival, the Oscar, brothers Lumiere and so on. In addition, each country has its own national days of cinematography. In Russia, the Cinema Day, for example, is annually celebrated on August 27. The beginning of it was laid in 1979 by the decision of the President of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.