Cutaneous horn

Disease of the skin horn refers to benign neoplasms . Most often it occurs in people whose age exceeds 40 years, because after this threshold in the body begin to occur changes in the background of the general aging of the body. First of all, they are noticeable on the skin, and sometimes appear not only in the form of wrinkles, but also more unpleasant and dangerous indicators.

Due to hormonal changes, cell renewal accelerates, and this can lead to the appearance of tumors. Especially often the cutaneous horn is observed in women, because their hormonal system is more unstable than the male.

Symptoms of cutaneous horn

This disease is called "cutaneous horn" because of visual association - the painful area of ​​the skin coarsens and grows, as a rule, acquiring a conical shape.

Sprouting can be several, and they have brown and yellow hues. The surface of the keratinized skin is uneven and covered with furrows. In the center of the cone is a rounded section with an inflammatory process.

The skin horn can reach large sizes, and as a rule, the size becomes one of the ways of predicting:

  1. With a short length of up to 1 cm, the cutaneous horn is of the nature of basiloma or senile keratoma.
  2. With a horn length of more than 1 cm in the case of histological analysis, seborrheic warts, horny papilloma, keratoacanthoma are determined.

If the skin horn appeared on the lip of the lips, then its length rarely exceeds 1 cm. Most often it occurs on the face - cheeks, forehead, eyelids and lips. Much less often it appears on the mucous membranes.

Causes of cutaneous horn

To provoke the development of cutaneous horn can be different diseases:

Physicians distinguish two types of cutaneous horn, depending on what caused it:

  1. Primary cutaneous horn develops due to age-related changes in the skin and becomes a kind of signal of aging.
  2. Secondary cutaneous horn develops due to chronic skin diseases - warts and papillomas.

Treatment of cutaneous horn

Removing the cutaneous horn is the only sure way to get rid of this new growth. The fact is that the danger of this disease lies in the fact that it can develop from benign into malignant form. Taking into account the modern ecology and the possibilities of medicine in relation to cancer diseases, doctors are trying not to risk the health of patients, and convince them of the need for prompt intervention.

Today, the surgical method is considered a "classical" way to get rid of the cutaneous horn, however, removal does not guarantee that the disease will not occur again. Also, it should be borne in mind that basically the formations are removed in the late stages.

A method for removing the cutaneous horn with a laser is also known. It is used in the early stages of the disease, and gives more chances that there will not be a relapse. Also its advantage is the absence of scars, which is important for those who have a dermal horn on their face.

After one of these procedures is performed, the histological analysis of the removed body to determine what processes in the skin caused this disease.

Cutaneous horn - treatment with folk remedies

With the dermal horn, treatment with folk remedies is not only inefficient, but also dangerous - any neoplasms should be exposed as little as possible to the effects.

However, there is an opinion that the consumption of large amounts of vitamin C can prevent the development of the disease - the skin horn does not grow, but its development can not be reversed, and therefore the only way of treatment remains surgical intervention.