23 Soviet delicacies, which we adored in childhood

Time flows unceasingly, changes have affected culinary preferences. Few of today's children will agree to chew the pitch of trees or enjoy the wet bread sprinkled with sugar.

No chocolates, jujube and other delicacies filled with modern stores, will not replace the goodies from childhood. Delicacies, which were so loved in the USSR, may now seem megastraneous, but their taste can not be forgotten. Let's a little ponastalgiruem.

1. Please, two crusts of bread

Today we still buy bread in the store, and it is often sealed in a bag or cut into pieces. This, of course, is convenient, but not as in childhood. Here confess, who, returning home with a fresh bread bought, did not eat up a crispy and fragrant crust? God, it was so delicious and unforgettable.

2. Natural chewing gum

For ingenuity, Soviet children can be given an award, because they made candy out of nothing. One of the most popular and affordable delicacies is the resin from fruit trees, which was chewed instead of chewing gum. Cheap and angry.

3. Delicacy, which envied the whole yard

In childhood, the most delicious and sweet food was bread, oiled and sprinkled with sugar. It was with such a treat that it was necessary for some reason to go out into the street so that all friends asked to take a bite. Another popular option is simply to wet the bread with water and sprinkle with sugar. Why did we stop doing this, weird ...

4. The most delicious medicines

Many children liked to be ill with a cold, after all mum necessarily bought an ascorbic dragee. As it would be desirable to get at least one more thing. You dissolve the ball, and at first - sweet, then - sourly. Ideally. It is necessary to buy a package of ascorbics in the near future.

5. What is the chupa-chups ...

Previously, candy on a stick was a luxury, so many cooked their houses, and there were even special shapes to make males, bunnies and chanterelles. It's very simple - melted butter and sugar. Of course, then there were other recipes, but still, you can not think of anything easier.

6. Original decoration that you can eat

In the Soviet times bagels sold bundles and many put them on as beads and organized whole concerts. She ate the fare just like that, and with tea, jelly, compote.

7. Homemade cake

Delicacy, which is still included in the menu of many people - a cookie with butter. They made an improvised cake very simply: they took two biscuits, for example, "Jubilee", oiled them and combined them together. This is the best treat for tea that you could think of.

8. Dry is even more delicious

In the shops of the USSR it was possible, for little money, to buy acid briquettes, which were usually eaten before a drink was prepared. The children chewed them with pleasure, enjoying themselves.

9. Dangerous goodies

Today, you can easily buy a boiled condensed milk in the store, but you had to cook it yourself before. How many people cried, washing the walls and ceiling from the exploded jar of condensed milk, can not be counted. A delicious taffy, which could be eaten with spoons, was worth it.

10. Cheese experiments

It seems that the favorite pastime of the children of that time was carrying out experiments that concerned eating food. Here's one of them: cut a piece of cheese, drop it into hot tea or coffee and wait until it melts, and then, right into your mouth. In those days it seemed like an incredible delicacy.

11. You could break a tooth, but it's very tasty

In modern stores you can if you want to find any products, but during the Soviet Union it was extremely difficult, so people got out as best they could. To please the children, mothers cooked kozinaki, for which peeled seeds were filled with caramel, and after solidification small briquettes formed from them.

12. Friendship can be very tasty

Many will agree that the taste of the Soviet cheese cheese "Friendship" can not be compared to any of the modern analogues. He was added to different dishes and ate separately with tea. Nostalgia to goose bumps.

13. Natural delicacies

During the USSR, all the free time children spent on the street, so they knew the taste of all the plants that could be met. The favorite savory was a sour wild sorrel.

14. That's what really is missing

Toffees - sweets, because of which many lost the seals in their teeth, but the pleasure is worth it. Although such delicacies are sold in stores so far, the taste seems completely alien.

15. Barbecue available to everyone

It is today at the stake cook meat, fish, seafood, and before this range was not. The most delicious delicacy, which all the children waited for at a picnic - potatoes baked in a fire. This is so interesting: he threw potatoes into the fire and stood, waiting, turning the coals with a stick. You get it from the fire, and it's hot as coals, well, nothing - you blow, you throw it from hand to hand, and you try to peel off the skin faster to enjoy a unique taste. My God, it's spitting right out.

16. Favorite sweet potatoes

One of the most affordable desserts of Soviet times was the "potato" cake, and many learned how to cook it yourself, because the recipe is very simple: the cookies were crushed into crumbs and melted butter with cocoa was added. All mixed and sculpted balls. This is such a dessert.

17. Eat as many as you like

If you buy chocolate sweets or cakes in the USSR, you could not always, then here is the halva in the range was often present. Today, it seems strange that they sold this delicacy in tin cans.

18. Its fragrance is like a magnet

Previously, very few people thought of a figure, laying out circles of doctor's sausage in a frying pan, because it's so delicious that it can not be conveyed in words. Of course, someone is still indulging in such a dish, but it is not as widespread as it was then.

19. A frightening drink

Many for the first time seeing a tea mushroom, think that this is something strange, similar to a jellyfish, and in any case not edible. In Soviet times, many on the windowsill could see a three-liter jar covered with gauze, under which a miracle was created - a delicious drink called "kvass" was prepared.

20. Delicious and economical cake

Not always in the fridge was a cake, but homemade jam in the pantry could be found. I had to improvise: cut a piece of a loaf, spread butter and put a large layer of jam on top. Delicious, that it is impossible to stop. Who then thought about the figure?

21. Economically, but very tasty

This, of course, is not sweet, but it turned out not less delicious. Take a piece of bread and rye, greased with vegetable oil and sprinkled with salt. You can also supplement such an unusual treat with green onions or dill. Many will think that this is an appetizer for hot drinks, but it was eaten by children.

22. If bread is withered - in a frying pan

Few people continue to waste time standing by the stove and frying croutons, because there are toasters and other appliances. Previously, it was a very popular way to get rid of stale bread, which was cut into pieces, dipped into an egg and fried on both sides in a hot frying pan.

23. The best delicacy on earth

To finish the list you want the most delicious and popular delicacy among Soviet children - nuts and wafer tubules filled with boiled condensed milk. Virtually every house had a waffle iron or a special device for making nutshells from dough. Prepared such a meal in large quantities for different holidays, and its taste will forever remain in your memory.