Thunderstorm in September - people's signs

Thunder and lightning in the fall - this is a fairly rare weather phenomenon, so it was not everyone who saw it. In southern regions, this weather is more frequent, but in the northern it can be observed approximately every 2-7 years. Scientists do not see anything unusual if the thunder rattles in September, but people's signs say that such a phenomenon can be a harbinger of not only happy events.

What does thunderstorm mean in September?

According to popular beliefs, such a weather phenomenon says, first of all, that autumn will be warm and long, and winter is snowy. Therefore, those who plant flowers or vegetables in the fall, you can slightly cover the beds more carefully, seeds and bulbs are most likely not frozen. People's signs of a thunderstorm at the end of September also say that after such a phenomenon it is necessary to start harvesting cabbage immediately, otherwise it may freeze and the crop will disappear. Whether this is so, it is difficult to judge, but many gardeners use this belief and argue that it has helped them to save cabbage more than once.

Now let's talk about what in September thunder and thunder can result if we watch them from the window. Our ancestors believed that this should not be done in any case, since you can incur misfortunes. According to superstitions, in the event of a thunderstorm, you need to immediately pull back the curtains, and do not look out on the street until the storm does not subside. Believers also advise to light candles next to the icons at this time, this will help frighten away the dark forces that try to enter the house during this weather. Is it worth to believe in this, it is difficult to say, but if you do not want to take risks, try not to look at the September thunderstorms and even more so do not go out into the street in this weather. If it turned out that the bad weather caught you during a walk, then say to yourself about the conspiracy: "I'm going home, carrying my own, I do not take another's one, one walked, one came." No less effective will be to read the prayer , it will also save you from the dark forces. After you get home, immediately take a hot shower, so you wash yourself off with someone else's jealousy and the negative impact of the dark forces, which, according to the signs, during a thunderstorm in autumn have considerable influence on a person.

Another belief says that bad weather in autumn can help bring luck and wealth. To ensure that this sign of a thunderstorm in September worked, it is necessary during the time when it took a bad weather to take 7 coins, put them in a copper basin or a jug and fill with running water. After that it is necessary to say such words: "As in the street it is light with lightning, so at home I have money and good luck, like thunder roars, so coins in my wallet ring." Next, you need to pull coins out of the container with water, dry them with a canvas rag and place in a purse, according to the beliefs, they will lure money. It is worth noting that religious people do not recommend using such a conspiracy, because, in their opinion, wealth and luck will give you dark forces, it is simply dangerous to conclude treaties with them, but it's up to you to decide, of course, whether to do the rite .

If we talk about the views of the church on a thunderstorm in the fall, then they are closer to scientific. The clergymen do not see anything mystical about these phenomena, they maintain that the bad weather does not speak of the presence of dark forces near the person or danger. Therefore, believing people often argue that you can not trust superstitions and this is a big sin, since a religious person can not have any signs, except weather.

What position will you take in the eternal dispute about whether you should trust the beliefs, you only need to decide on your own, but probably no statement arises from scratch, and this must also be taken into account.