2nd week of pregnancy - what happens?

Many girls who have only learned that they are in the position are interested in the question about what happens at the 2 nd week of pregnancy, if the count is to be taken after conception. As a rule, this period differs from that established by obstetricians.

What changes are observed in the mother's body?

First of all, a woman reacts to the appearance of a new life in the womb by changing the hormonal background. So, already at the 2nd week of pregnancy in the blood, HCG - human chorionic gonadotropin is determined. According to his level, doctors judge the course of pregnancy. Normally, this indicator at this time is 25-150 mIU / ml. The main function of this hormone is to stimulate the yellow body, which as a result begins to produce progesterone, which is necessary for the normal course of the process of implantation of a fertilized egg into the uterine mucosa.

Changes in the mammary gland are also observed. There is an increase in the number of glandular ducts, whose diameter also increases. As a result, women notice a swelling of the breast and an increase in its size.

Uterus, in contrast to the breast, at 2 weeks of pregnancy does not practically increase in size. Therefore, it will not be possible to establish it through gynecological examination and palpation.

What features does the fetus have at week 2?

The size of the fetus located in the uterus at the 2nd week of pregnancy does not exceed 1 mm, so the future child is not at all like a little man, and is a tiny disk that is surrounded by a shell from the outside. As the cells grow, they become uneven and divide into groups, one of which gives rise to the placenta and the other to the body of the embryo.

The placenta, still in its infancy, is taken for the production of enzymes, which, in turn, affect the cells of the uterine membrane.