How long are the struggles with the primigravidae?

The question of how many wrestles the primiparas have lasts are often of interest to women who are preparing to become a mother for the first time. In order to respond to it, it is necessary to take into account many factors, including duration of pregnancy, number of fetuses, as well as the presence of chronic diseases of the reproductive system, etc.

How long is the cervical dilatation period?

Before describing the duration of labor in primiparas, it should be noted that the very first period consists of 3 stages. During these, there is an opening of both the transverse and longitudinal muscles, which are contracting through time to relax again. This process is absolutely uncontrollable, and therefore not subject to the woman herself, in contrast to the attempts she can manage.

In order to fully understand how long the contraction of primiparas lasts, it is necessary to consider each of the phases of cervical dilatation separately.

So the duration of the initial or as it is called latent phase, is about 7-8 hours. At that time the duration of the bout is very small - about 30-45 seconds. They do not appear so often - every 4-5 minutes. At the end of this phase, neck opening is observed up to 3 cm.

The duration of the active phase of this period of labor, such as the opening of the cervix, reaches 3-5 hours, the duration of the bout itself is 1 minute. They arise almost every 2-4 minutes. At the end of the active phase, the cervix is ​​opened at 3-7 cm.

The final phase is the deceleration phase, which takes about 0.5-1.5 hours. The fight itself lasts 70-90 seconds, and the interval between them reaches 30-60 seconds. At the end of the phase there is a complete opening of the cervix - 7-10 cm.

Thus, if we talk about how many hours the contractions for primiparas last, then on the average it is 8-10 hours.

How long do false struggles last?

Having dealt with the number of birth pains in primiparas, consider the phenomenon of false labor .

Such a feeling for the first time pregnant women can celebrate around 20 weeks. The main difference between such fights is the fact that they arise, as a rule, against the background of increased physical activity (prolonged walking, climbing the stairs). False bouts are also fast, as they have appeared and do not have such features as frequency and frequency. Often they disappear after a change in the position of the body.

As for the length of the period during which they are observed, it is 3-7 days. However, some women also note their periodic appearance up to the birth itself.