Diagnosis of the child's readiness for school

A hundred years ago, teachers drew attention to the regularity - if the child is not ready for training, then there is no need to expect success in this field. Much water has flowed since then and during this time a lot of author's techniques have appeared, allowing to diagnose the readiness of children to learn at school.

Every year, all kinds of tests and methods are improved and at the beginning of 2014 all kindergartens or DOW of Russia moved to a single federal state educational standard or GEF, which is used to diagnose a child's readiness for school.

It includes not one, but a combination of several ways of determining whether a first-year student can learn fruitfully or should be delayed with joining an educational institution.

What do you pay attention to during testing?

First we need to understand what is the diagnosis of the readiness of future first-graders to study at school. It consists of three components, each of which greatly affects the result.

  1. The physical readiness of the baby to the school is in his general state of health, on the basis of a medical report. After all, if the child is weakened, often gets cold, then it is necessary for him a year before entering the first class to work hard to train immunity.
  2. Intellectual preparation of the child for school life is a collective concept. It is not so much the level of the so-called IQ that is important, as the child's ability to perceive new material, to have a speech delivered, good memory , both auditory and visual, to be attentive.
  3. A child who is preparing to go to school should already have basic knowledge, the simplest, in the opinion of adults, concepts, but very important for children of this age. This knowledge of the days of the week , their own and their parents, the ability to think logically and find the answer to the question posed.

  4. Diagnosis of a child's psychological or personal readiness for school is to understand whether he has any desire at all to receive new information and to attend an educational institution, whether he is ready for communication in a new collective, that is, whether the child has a motivated education.

The psychologist, together with the educators, one year before entering the first grade, conducts a trial testing, which includes the definition:

Summing up, teachers and psychologists note that it does not correspond to the readiness of the child for school - bad speech, unreadiness to learn, lack of assiduity, and so on. On the necessary aspects in the last year in kindergarten should pay increased attention and in May to conduct again testing to learn the dynamics of changes.