Chlamydia in pregnancy - the consequences

When female reproductive organs are affected by chlamydia, it is not easy to become pregnant. But if a joyful event does happen, the negative impact of chlamydia on pregnancy can not be avoided.

How does chlamydia affect pregnancy?

Pregnancy, which has occurred against the background of the current chlamydial infection, is all the time subject to the threat of miscarriage. Weakened organs are not able to fully perform their functions, as a result of which the risk of miscarriage and fading of the embryo in early terms is quite high. In this respect, especially infectious at the beginning of gestation. Such a pregnancy is likely to be doomed to interruption, and chlamydia is dangerous in pregnancy in the first and second trimesters.

Pregnancy against a background of a clamidiosis often comes to an end prematurely, a birth of the weakened and small children. Often, such women encounter an early rupture of membranes, polyhydramnios, strong toxicosis.

As you can see, chlamydia during pregnancy is quite dangerous for a woman, but whether it affects the health of the unborn child is even more serious.

Chlamydia in pregnancy - consequences for the child

The main complications of chlamydia in the fetus are a consequence of inflammation in the placenta. A severe placental insufficiency causes the child to hypoxia. The severity of the consequences of chlamydia in pregnant women depends on the degree of oxygen starvation: from a small lag in development to intrauterine death and severe congenital malformations, often incompatible with life.

We list only some of the possible consequences:

To reduce the risk of complications than in pregnancy, chlamydia is dangerous, the infection is treated without fail, starting in the second trimester, using short courses of antibiotic therapy. In order to prevent the infection of the child in childbirth, the expectant mother is offered to do a planned cesarean section.