Tablets that cause miscarriage

Today, there is a huge number of drugs with which it is easier to overcome this or that disease. But in some cases such "helpers" can become detrimental to the health and general condition of a person. It is especially dangerous to take any medication during pregnancy, because in this period the woman's body is the weakest and most vulnerable.

If a woman is pregnant or is already pregnant, she should know what tablets can cause a miscarriage. When pregnancy is not worth taking medication without acute need, especially in the early stages. After all, they can affect both the attachment of a fertilized egg to the uterine wall, and the further development of the fetus.

What tablets cause miscarriage?

Modern women, trying to get rid of unwanted pregnancy, resort to the use of special drugs that cause profuse menstruation and thereby "tearing off" pregnancy. But it is IMPORTANT to know that such actions are unsafe and are carried out only in the presence of a specialist.

It is necessary to know which tablets can provoke a miscarriage , just for the sake of being informed. So, the most popular and often used drugs are:

  1. Postinor. This drug is considered effective only within three days after conception. With a later use of the drug, there will be absolutely no result. But not every woman knows when the fertilization took place. So completely rely on such pills are not worth it.
  2. Progesterone . The drug is also used immediately after fertilization in order to cause monthly and thereby stop the attachment of a fertilized egg. Such pills women most often apply, without consulting with a doctor, which as a result leads to disastrous consequences.
  3. Mifegin . These are pills that can cause pregnancy interruption on a seven-week period. Use the drug later CATEGORALLY not recommended, as this can cause serious complications. Tablets can cause severe uterine bleeding and through the loss of large amounts of blood there is a risk of death.

It should be remembered that abortion for a woman's body is a very serious and traumatic experience, therefore, before proceeding with any abortion actions, it is worthwhile to think several times and everything is good and reasonable to discuss.