37 - 38 weeks of pregnancy

After 36 weeks the child is considered completely full and is born ready for life outside the mother's body. And after 38 weeks the child often appears in the world - during this period, usually girls are born or the second or third birth occurs. Therefore, during pregnancy 37-38 weeks, a series of examinations and tests are performed to determine the state of the mother and fetus and to decide the issue of the tactics of giving birth. And if a woman is shown a cesarean section, then it is just spent in 37-38 weeks of pregnancy, until the natural birth began and the head did not fall into the pelvic ring.

Ultrasound examination in 37-38 weeks

Of the basic examinations at 37-38 weeks, ultrasound is performed, while the main dimensions of the fetus are determined:

Necessarily determine the presenting part, because during this period the fruit is large and can not roll over. In the norm is the head, rarely - the buttocks. Gluteal presentation, although it can not be a contraindication to birth in the natural way, but it is possible complications, especially with a large fetus.

And with transverse, leg, oblique presentation, placenta previa or umbilical cord loops, the caesarean section is shown. Be sure to check whether the umbilical cord wraps around the neck of the fetus and how many times. Check the chambers and valves of the heart, the course of the main vessels (there are no developmental defects), measure the thickness of the lateral ventricles of the brain (normal to 10 mm).

The fetus already has respiratory movements at this time, the heart rhythm is correct with a frequency of 120-160 per minute, the movements are active. With any signs of fetal hypoxia or changes in the structure of the placenta, much or little water is additionally performed by dopplerography of the uterine vessels and vessels of the placenta to diagnose possible violations of the placental blood flow. At this time, in case of serious violations, it is possible to stimulate delivery or to conduct a cesarean section without fear for the life of the fetus.

Other examinations at 37-38 weeks

When visiting a gynecologist during this period, he determines the height of the standing of the womb (in the last month it begins to drop), listens to the fetal heart beat, determines the weight gain. During pregnancy, a woman by this date should not gain more than 11 kg, if the weight is sharply added and accumulates more than 300 g per week in 37-38 weeks - concealed swelling is possible.

The whole pregnancy, especially in the second half, every 10 days a woman gives an urine test, as in this period there are late pregnancy gestosis. The first of these is swelling, but the next one is nephropathy, which is manifested not only by swelling (hidden and obvious), but also by the appearance of protein in the urine and increased blood pressure. Without diagnosis and timely treatment, more severe gestosis is possible - preeclampsia and eclampsia.

Sensations of the mother in 37-38 weeks

At this time, the woman must necessarily consider the wiggling of the fetus, but at 37-38 weeks of pregnancy in the afternoon they are much weaker (the fruit is large and there is nowhere to turn around), they intensify only at rest or in the evening. Enhanced perturbation may indicate hypoxia or polyhydramnios, but their complete absence may be a sign of possible fetal death, and you should immediately contact a gynecologist.

In 37-38 weeks of pregnancy appear whitish discharge - the cervix is ​​preparing for childbirth and begins to exit the mucous plug. At this time, other forerunners of labor are possible - periodically the abdomen becomes firm or weak painful contractions of the uterus appear, which quickly pass. If the pains in the lower abdomen become worse, there are watery discharge - labor begins and you should go to the hospital.