60 facts that are useful for everyone!

It will surprise everyone!

1. Milk chocolate was invented in Ireland.

2. Try to breathe and swallow at the same time. You will not succeed!

3. Here's how it looks when a star meets a black hole:

4. Before, ketchup was sold as a medicine.

5. Date of birth of the oldest person on the Planet (1898), Misao Okawa, closer to the date of signing the Constitution of America (1787) than to today.

6. In addition, since the birth of this man has changed a whole generation on Earth.

7. Every year coconuts kill more people than sharks. As, however, and cows.

8. In Norway, one day they were knighted by the penguin.

9. One million seconds is equal to 11 days. One billion seconds is 33 years!

10. Mae West (August 17, 1893 - November 22, 1980) - American actress, playwright, screenwriter and sex symbol, one of the most scandalous stars of her time, among other things, became famous for her aphorisms, the most famous of which was said at the railway station to the policeman who met her after arriving from Chicago: "Is it a gun in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?". She used this phrase in her two films "She Was Wrong" (1933) and "Sextet" (1978)

11. The day on the planet Venus is longer than a year.

12. If you are in the same room with 23 people, then the probability that two of them have a birthday in one day is more than 50%.

13. The TI-83 calculator has six times more computing power than the computer that landed the manned Apollo 11 spacecraft on the Moon.

14. This is how a solar eclipse on Earth looks from space:

15. Cambridge University is older than the empires of the Aztecs and the Incas.

16. Higher mathematics was introduced years after the founding of Harvard.

17. Beethoven and George Washington were contemporaries - in fact, George Washington was on the fifth decade when Beethoven was born.

18. The last veteran of the American Civil War died in 1959, he lived long enough to see the atomic bomb dropped in Japan.

19. The number of ways how to shuffle a deck of cards is greater than the number of atoms on Earth.

20. 111,111,111 × 111,111,111 = 12,345,678,987,654,321.

21. Cows tend to make best friends, and they tend to spend most of their free time with each other.

22. Horses can not breathe with their mouths.

23. Names of four nephews cartoon hero seaman Popaya - Paypai, Pipai, Paapai and Pupay.

24. In the 1960s, Australia lost its prime minister. He disappeared without a trace and was never found.

25. In a coffee with a weak roast, more caffeine than in strong roasting coffee.

26. On the top floor of the Supreme Court of the United States of America is a basketball court. This court is known as the "highest court of the earth".

27. The swine orgasm lasts for 30 minutes.

28. The leader of the American Movement for African American Rights, Martin Luther King Jr., several hours before his contract killing, conducted a fight with pillows in the hotel in which he stopped.

29. More people live inside the circle in the image below than outside:

30. France is the country with the largest number of time zones in the world.

31. The time interval between the existence of Tyrannosaurus Rex and man is less than between the same Tyrannosaurus Rex and Stegosaurus.

32. Birds are closer relatives of crocodiles than larvae.

33. The territory of Africa is larger than the total territory of the United States of America, China, India, Spain, France and several other countries.

34. The taste receptors of butterflies are on the legs.

35. "Moment" is the actual time unit. It is equal to 33.3564 picoseconds.

36. The pile that collects at the bottom of the pockets in English has its name - "gnurr" (gnurr).

37. One cubic inch (equal to 16.39 cm & sup3) of the bone can bear a load of 8,620 kg, which makes it about four times stronger than concrete.

38. The air temperature can be determined by counting the chirping of crickets for 25 seconds: the resulting number is divided by 3, and then add 4.

39. There are more rivers in Canada than in the rest of the world.

40. That feeling, when you are overwhelmed with emotion, and you can not resist not to bite someone in the arms called "sweet aggression."

41. The name of the actor Will Smith in the English translation of "Smith" means "smith". The analogue of our last name is Kuznetsov.

42. There are more state libraries in the United States than McDonald's.

43. The voice of Yoda and Miss Piggy belong to the same person.

44. Hummingbird is the only bird that can fly backwards.

45. There are more tigers in Texas than in the rest of the world.

46. ​​Here's how the ladybug flies:

47. If you only swim directly, you can swim on a boat from Pakistan to Russia.

48. On average, astronauts are 5 cm taller when they are in space.

49. Shakespeare and Pocahontas lived at the same time.

50. Charles Darwin and Abraham Lincoln were born on the same day - up to a year.

51. There are still a few trees that grew before the construction of the pyramids.

52. When you simultaneously yawn and stretch, this is called one word - "pandication".

53. It's impossible to make a buzzing sound with a closed nose.

54. A modern US flag was invented by a 17-year-old teenager in the performance of a school project. For him, he received a rating of "4 with a minus."

55. The feces of the wombat (the Australian large marsupial animal) are square.

56. Albanian snails exist:

57. The USA is older than Germany.

58. The Mongolian fleet consists of seven men and one boat.

59. There is enough iron in the human body to make a 5-centimeter nail.

60. When the kidney is transplanted, the affected kidney is left in place, and the third, a new kidney, is placed in the pelvis.