How is Zick's virus transmitted?

Zika virus (ZIKV) is carried by mosquitoes of the genus Aedes, whose habitat is wet tropical and subtropical forests. The main danger of Zika fever is that from a mother infected in the first trimester of pregnancy the newborn is born with a severe brain damage - microcephaly . In this regard, a special issue is the question: how is the Zico virus transmitted? We represent the opinion of authoritative infectious disease scientists about the ways of transmission of the virus Zika.

How is Zicke virus transmitted in different situations?

Zick virus infection through a mosquito bite

Initially, Zika's fever circulated in the monkey environment, but as a result, the mutated virus acquired the ability to penetrate the cells of the human body. Although the carriers of the virus are mosquitoes of the genus Aedes, but its carriers are some species of monkeys and humans. To the bloodsucking insect, along with the blood, viruses enter, which it then transmits to a healthy person at the next bite.

Physicians believe that infection is especially dangerous for people who do not live in the tropical zone. It is their disease that is severe, the symptoms are more pronounced, and the consequences are more dangerous. So, after the Zik fever, Guillain-Barre syndrome is noted in some patients. There is a malaise in the form of numbness of hands and feet, back pain and muscle weakness. In severe cases, the development of respiratory failure and violation of the heart rhythm, leading to pulmonary thromboembolism , pneumonia, infection of blood.

Infection of the fetus with Zick's virus from an infected mother

Another way of transferring the virus from person to person has already been mentioned - it is intrauterine infection. The virus of Zeka easily overcomes the placental barrier, and the fetus becomes infected. As a result of the studies, it was found that the virus is in the amniotic fluid and the placenta. In connection with serious consequences (in patients with microcephaly there is a mental inferiority, from imbecility and ending with a pronounced idiocy), doctors recommend that women who contract Zik's fever have an artificial termination of pregnancy.

Sexual transmission of the virus Zika

Recently in the press there is information that the virus Zika is transmitted from person to person through sexual contact. There is at least one official confirmation of this fact. The researcher Brian Fall was studying a spread of Zika fever in Senegal and was bitten by an infected insect. Some time after returning home, he felt unwell, accompanied by symptoms characteristic of the disease.

After the diagnosis, the scientist diagnosed Zika's fever. After a while, the inherent symptoms were noted in the wife of Brian Fall, who herself was not on the expedition, but had unprotected sex with her husband.

Is Zik virus transmitted by airborne droplets?

In this way, you can not get infected with Zick's fever. Also, the Zika virus is not transmitted through fruit (even unwashed) and other types of food.

Measures to prevent fever Zika

Given the ways of transmission of the virus, effective methods of preventing Zik fever in hot countries are:

At the state level, measures to prevent outbreaks include: