Signs of encephalitis after tick bite

This pathology is a focal infection that negatively affects the organs of the central nervous system and causes paralysis of limbs and other dangerous diseases. Discovered during the signs of encephalitis after a tick bite will help in the shortest possible time to begin treatment, which will prevent the development of pathological processes.

Signs of tick-borne encephalitis in humans

Externally, the pathology itself does not express itself, therefore, it is not worth looking for symptoms in the appearance of a bite, itching or other sensations. Often the disease manifests itself as a psychological complex of symptoms.

The incubation period lasts from eight to twenty days. One day after infection, the first signs of tick-borne encephalitis may appear. The infection process can have a different duration. It all depends on what type of virus the body has damaged. Now there are cases of rapid development of the disease, in which the patient falls into a coma and dies because of paralysis of the respiratory system.

At the initial stages, the ailment is accompanied by such occurrences:

In the case of a bite in the head, the incubation period is halved. If the treatment is not started in time, the intensity of the disease will increase.

The manifestation of encephalitis after a tick bite

There are several varieties of encephalitis, which are distinguished by the characteristic symptoms manifested in humans.

Feverish form

Is the easiest. Its main manifestations are:

In the future, complications of this form of the disease is not observed.

Meningeal form

In addition to the syndrome of intoxication , it is also accompanied by meningal symptoms. Patients are observed:

When analyzing the cerebrospinal fluid, leukocytosis with a pleocyte content is detected. The consequence of the ailment is periodic headaches.

Poliomyelitis and radiculitis

With radiculitis and poliomyelitis, which manifest almost the same, they are accompanied by a lesion of the muscles of the chest and neck. The most obvious symptoms are:

The consequence of this form is often muscle atrophy and impaired motor activity of damaged areas.

Encephalitis form

It is the most severely flowing form of the disease, during which the membranes of the brain are affected. Signs of tick-borne encephalitis develop very quickly. These include:

Signs of consequences of a bite of an encephalitis tick

Some complications, formed in the course of illness, can remind oneself throughout life. Improper removal of the mite causes injuries to the skin and subcutaneous tissue. A consequence of this can become suppuration, infection and an abscess. The signs of this condition are:

In addition to these signs, complications of encephalitis can be: