8th week of pregnancy - signs, sensations and likely risks

The early terms of the gestation process are always accompanied by numerous changes in the fetal and maternal organism. The future baby actively develops, receiving new organs and systems. The 8th week of pregnancy, on which a four-chambered heart is formed, is no exception.

Signs of pregnancy at week 8

In most cases, a woman by this time already knows about her interesting situation. Symptoms of pregnancy at week 8 are clear: the delay in menstrual periods is already 4 weeks, the pregnancy test shows two strips. There are also changes in the appearance of the pregnant woman. Future moms notice how their breasts are constantly increasing in volume, poured. The nipples turn dark and become sensitive.

Some women by this time are faced with manifestations of toxicosis. Nausea and vomiting that occur in the morning, after eating, again remind the woman of her situation. Vomiting 1-2 times a day is permissible, but with frequent attacks, worsening of overall health, it is necessary to consult a doctor. Frequent, indomitable vomiting causes not only weight loss, but also leads to dehydration of the body, which is dangerous for the baby.

8 weeks of pregnancy - this is how many months?

Having learned about pregnancy, many future mothers start to keep their own calendar, in which the term of gestation is counted. At the same time, for the starting point, they take the time that was indicated by the doctor (obstetrician). Physicians duration of pregnancy is always indicated in weeks, counting it from the first day observed before the conception of menstruation. In some cases, future mothers prefer to lead the duration of pregnancy in months.

To make the correct calculations, translate weeks into months, you need to know a few features. Doctors always take a calendar month equal to 4 weeks, while the number of days in it is 30. Based on this information, you can calculate: 8 weeks of pregnancy - the end of the second month. The first trimester overstepped his equator, 2 months of pregnancy is over, the third begins.

8 week of pregnancy - what happens to the baby?

The fetus undergoes numerous changes at week 8 of pregnancy. The central one can be called the formation of partitions of the heart, as a result of which it acquires a full 4 cameras. Venous blood begins to circulate separately from the arterial blood. There are also changes in the urinary system - the fetus has a permanent kidney. Previously, it was the primary organ that is now divided and gives rise to two systems simultaneously: the sexual and urinary.

The sex rollers continue to differentiate and form the rudiments of the external genitalia. This occurs under the influence of the synthesis of sex hormones, which produces the adrenal cortex. The female ovaries form in the female fetus, and an ovarian reserve is laid in their cortex-1 million follicles, from which, after puberty, oocytes begin to emerge. In the body of a male fetus under the influence of testosterone, the testes form.

Term of 8 weeks of pregnancy is the size of the fetus

The baby at the 8th week of pregnancy is still very small, so you can determine its size only with the help of ultrasound with higher resolution. The size of the fetus at 8 weeks of pregnancy should normally be 32-35 mm. These values ​​are more informative. In practice, they may differ in greater or lesser extent. This is determined by the rate of individual development of the baby.

The weight of the fetus on the 8th week of pregnancy is no more than 5 g. It should be noted that the values ​​of anthropometric parameters throughout the period of pregnancy are affected by several factors:

8 weeks of pregnancy - fetal development

At term pregnancy of 8 weeks development of the future kid is accompanied by transition from the germinal period to the fetal one. At this time, the baby's fingers form on the upper and lower limbs. There is an increase in the size of the head, which can be up to half the length of his torso. The umbilical cord is formed. The organ of separation and gas exchange in the child (allantois) begins to be reduced along with the yolk sac, they enter with the umbilical cord. This anatomical formation plays an important role in making the connection between the mother and the fetus.

What does the fetus look like on the 8th week of pregnancy?

The embryo at the 8th week of pregnancy increases in size and slightly straightens. His body still looks like a bent hook, but the head is already separated from the trunk. A neck appears, which so far has a small size. There are changes in the facial part of the skull. The nose, upper lip, ears become distinct, the handles and legs are clearly visible, which begin to bend in the elbows and knees. On the edges of the limbs are separated fingers.

8 Week of Pregnancy - What Happens to Mom?

Describing what changes are accompanied by the 8th week of pregnancy, what happens to the future mother, the doctors put forward a changed hormonal background in the first place. 8 week of pregnancy is accompanied by the development of their own sex hormones in the body of the baby, which affects the condition of the pregnant woman. Entering into her blood, they can cause exacerbation of toxicosis, a change in the appearance of the future mother.

Many pregnant women immediately at this time notice a change in the condition of the skin. On the whole surface of the body, more often on the face are the elements of acne, the pigmentation of the hair intensifies, in the area of ​​the face there is an increased growth of hair that imitates a mustache or beard. Hair loss can occur in some women, but this is rare.

8th week of pregnancy - sensation of a woman

At the gestation period of 8 weeks, the development of the fetus and the sensation of the expectant mother are often associated with manifestations of toxicosis. Against the background of such changes, women notice frequent attacks of weakness, emotional instability, increased irritability. Certain discomfort can cause an enlarged and swollen chest. Many people notice an increase in sensitivity, soreness with an inadvertent touch to the mammary glands. The body weight on this term remains unchanged. However, toxicosis at week 8 of pregnancy can lead to weight loss.

Belly at 8 week of pregnancy

With normal development of gestation, the uterus at 8 weeks of gestation is 7-8 cm in length. It is comparable in size to a goose egg. It is completely located in the cavity of the small pelvis. The growth of the organ is observed in the region of the bottom, which gradually begins to rise. At this time, she still does not leave the small pelvis, so it is impossible to palpate the enlarged uterus through the abdominal wall. The belly does not change outwardly, so the surrounding people do not know about the position of the woman.

Allocations at week 8 of pregnancy

Allocations at week 8 are normal, clear, white, without impurities and foreign odor. The change in the consistency, volume, and nature of the excretions indicates abnormalities in the reproductive system. Thus there is an additional symptomatology:

The appearance of blood from the vagina at week 8 of pregnancy may indicate a complication of the gestation process - spontaneous abortion. In this case, the volume of pathological discharge increases with time, painful sensations appear in the abdomen of the pulling and aching nature. General health worsens. To save pregnancy, to prevent its interruption, a woman should consult a doctor at the appearance of the first pathological signs.

Pain at week 8 of pregnancy

Term 8 weeks of pregnancy can be accompanied for many women by painful sensations in the abdominal region. In this case, pregnant women characterize them as light discomfort sensations in the lower part of the abdomen, pulling character. Some women compare them with those that were noted earlier with menstruation. In this case the pains are fickle, they can disappear and appear again.

Doctors rush to reassure pregnant women, assuring that weak sipping pains in the lower abdomen , observed when the week 8 is pregnant, is a variant of the norm. They are related to the rapid growth of the uterus, an increase in the size of the body. There is a strain of the muscular apparatus of the abdomen and ligaments of the small pelvis, which provokes pain in the lower abdomen. It is necessary to pay attention to the nature of painful sensations - the appearance of cramping pain can be a sign of a threat of miscarriage .

Ultrasound at week 8 of pregnancy

In the eight weeks of pregnancy the fetus is still small, the internal organs and systems are not completely formed. Given this fact, doctors rarely conduct a study on this date. If it is carried out, then necessarily pay attention to the heartbeat of the fetus, evaluating in this way the work of the cardiovascular system. Normally, the baby's heart is contracted 140-160 times per minute. It must be taken into account that during the procedure the figure can increase by 10-15 strokes because of the stress factor for which the baby is ultrasound.

Dangers at week 8 of pregnancy

Two months of pregnancy is a short period, which can be accompanied by complications. The most dangerous of the possible violations is spontaneous abortion. However, it is impossible to completely exclude other pathologies of this process: