Leg in plaster

Fracture of the foot is a violation of the integrity of one or more bones of the lower limb. Such a trauma often occurs as a result of careless movement along the street or in the house, an accident, a fall from a height. It can arise and because of a very small load, if a person suffers from osteoporosis. After the fracture, plaster (normal or plastic) is applied to the foot in almost 100% of cases.

How much should I wear gypsum?

How much to walk in a cast after a leg fracture is determined by the doctor, based on how severe a trauma is and exactly where it is. If the ankle was broken, but there is no bias, it is necessary to wear a plaster bandage from 4 to 7 weeks. Those who have shifted their bones will have to spend up to 3 months in the cast. When the tibia is included in the fracture, the limb is immobilized for 4 months.

Was the shin broken without bias? The leg in the cast should stay about 3 months. In case of a fracture of the foot , it should be fixed in the immobile state for only 1.5 months, but if there is a bias this period may increase up to 3 months. Phalanges of the fingers heal much faster than other bones of the lower limb. If fractured, they will be plastered for 2 weeks.

If the fracture is open or the bones have been displaced, it is impossible to step on the foot in the cast, but can this be done when there are no such complications? With any violation of the integrity of the bones of the lower limb, loads must be avoided. At first, the patient is advised not to step on his leg at all, but after a few weeks you can move around, resting a little on the limb, and even engage in physiotherapy exercises.

Swelling of the foot in plaster

Very often the leg in the cast is swelling. Tumescence occurs when:

The edema appears also in cases when the plaster bandage is superimposed too tightly. It can be accompanied by severe pain in the place of fracture. To remove puffiness, you need to restore muscle activity and activate blood circulation. To do this you need:

There are cases when the swelling occurs immediately after the plaster is removed from the foot. To protect yourself from such complications, the patient should carry out the removal of the plaster bandage only on the instructions of the doctor and after the X-ray examination.