3 weeks pregnant from conception - what happens?

It is known that it is very difficult to diagnose a woman's pregnancy at an early age. In the overwhelming majority of cases, she learns of her interesting situation only with the onset of a delay, which occurs not earlier than 2 weeks after the occurred conception.

In this case, the baby is already actively growing and developing. Let's take a closer look at the short period of pregnancy and, in particular, tell you what happens to the future fetus at week 3 of pregnancy, if you count from conception.

What changes does the fetus undergo at this time?

At this time, the embryo is still very small, so you can see it on a special ultrasound machine with a high resolution. At 3 weeks from conception, the size of the fetal egg does not exceed 5 mm. The length of the embryo's body is only 1.5-2. Outwardly, he is not at all like a little man, and resembles a small ear concha, surrounded by a small volume of amniotic fluid.

At this stage, cells are actively starting to form, which will later become the basis for the creation of the fetal nervous system. The formation of the rudiments of the spinal cord and brain is noted.

At the same time, there are formations that give rise to the organs of the endocrine system, such as the pancreas, the thyroid gland, and the respiratory system.

Approximately on day 19 after the occurred conception, the first cell of blood appears. They will be synthesized before the moment of birth in the liver, after - in the red bone marrow, as in all people.

When the embryo is closely examined, at the point where the head will form, at large magnification, it is possible to examine the eye fossa, which in the future will give rise to the visual apparatus of the fetus.

Talking about what happens at week 3 from conception, one can not help but mention the spreading of the oropharyngeal membrane. In its place in the future formed the mouth, which in turn is the beginning of the entire digestive system of the body.

What does Mom feel at this time?

It is worth noting that 3 weeks from conception are equal to 5 obstetric weeks. In most cases, it is during this period that women learn about their situation. The resulting delay in menstrual causes a pregnancy test, which shows a positive result. And this is not surprising, because immediately at week 3 from conception, the concentration of hCG reaches diagnostic values. At this time, it is normally in the range of 101-4780 mIU / ml.

The future mother begins to celebrate the first changes in her state of health. Many women have the signs of toxicosis at this time. In addition, most people notice the appearance of signs that indirectly indicate the onset of pregnancy:

In connection with the beginning of hormonal reorganization, each woman marks the manifestation of soreness in the mammary glands. At the same time there is an increase in the breast volume, which often causes the size of the underwear to change.

In addition, there is an increase in the number of urge to urinate. Often, women notice that even after going to the toilet they have a feeling of not fully exhausted bladder. As a result, there is a decrease in the volume of excreted urine due to the fact that the amount of urination increases.

Thus, knowing what is happening in the body of a future mother at 3-4 weeks from conception, what signs of pregnancy are noted, a woman, sometimes even without testing, can determine that soon, perhaps, she will become a mother.