Tonus in pregnancy 2 trimester - symptoms

Quite often when visiting a doctor during pregnancy, future moms hear from specialists such term as "hypertonic uterine myometrium" (in the people - the tone of the uterus). This condition is often observed in early pregnancy , in the early stages. However, this does not mean that the symptoms of the uterine tone observed during pregnancy can not appear in the 2nd trimester. Let's take a closer look at this disorder and tell about how a woman herself can determine that in the second trimester she has a tone of the uterus.

What are the signs of the tone of the uterus arising in the second trimester?

To begin with, it should be noted that this phenomenon is the result of excessive stress of the muscular fibers of the uterus. This can often be observed with overexertion, physical stress, stress.

Unlike the first trimester, when the hypertension of uterine myometrium mainly occurs as a result of a violation of the synthesis of the hormone progesterone, in the 2nd trimester this phenomenon is the result of an incorrect lifestyle of pregnant or strong physical overloads.

If we consider the most frequent symptoms of the tone of the uterus in the trimester, then usually this:

If you have this kind of symptoms of the tone of uterine myometrium in the second trimester, the expectant mother should consult a doctor.

How do doctors manage to recognize the tone of the uterus that occurs in the second trimester of pregnancy?

The first method of diagnosis, which doctors use when examining a pregnant woman, is palpation (probing) of the abdomen. In such cases, the stomach is very hard to touch. This kind of inspection allows only to assume a violation.

For a more accurate diagnosis and diagnosis, a diagnostic method such as tonusometry is used. In this case, the doctor uses a special device equipped with a sensor that displays the degree of tension of the muscle fibers.

When carrying out ultrasound, you can easily detect this violation. At the same time, on the screen of the monitor, doctors mark the total (total) or local thickening of the muscular layer of the uterus.

How is the treatment of hypertension of the uterus?

Having dealt with the way the tone of the uterus, which sported in the second trimester, manifests itself, we will consider the main directions of therapy in this violation.

To begin with, it should be noted that if in 1 trimester such a phenomenon can be regarded as a result of hormonal adjustment, which does not require intervention by physicians, then in the second, an increase in the tonus of uterine myometrium can not be the norm. Therefore, the pregnant woman should always listen to her feelings and when gravity or pain appears in the lower abdomen, in the lower back, it is necessary to tell the leading gynecologist about this.

With regard to the treatment of hypertension of the uterus, then an integral part of it is bed rest and reduced physical exertion. For symptomatic treatment often prescribed antispasmodics, helping to relax the uterine musculature, resulting in the pain passes.

Practically in all cases, when a similar phenomenon is accompanied by cramping or strongly pronounced pulling pains, the pregnant woman is sent to a hospital. The whole point is that this condition can lead, both to spontaneous miscarriage, and to premature birth on later terms.

A special role is assigned to the prevention of uterine tone, which consists in observing a more gentle regime during the child's bearing: reducing physical exertion, eliminating mental stress, observing the regime of the day, and so on.