Through how many it is possible to become pregnant after the frozen pregnancy?

The main issue that interests women who have a history of frozen pregnancy, is through how much you can become pregnant after the end of the course of rehabilitation and whether you can immediately plan a pregnancy.

When it is possible to plan pregnancy after the dead?

Many women know that after a stiff pregnancy you can not immediately become pregnant, look forward to the moment when you can try to conceive a child again. Most practitioners are of the opinion that after this violation it is necessary that at least 3 months have passed. Some experts recommend not to hurry and wait six months. It all depends on what was the cause of the stagnation of pregnancy.

What should be considered when planning a pregnancy after the dead?

Knowing about how much time you can get pregnant after a stiff pregnancy, a woman does not always know what needs to be done and what examination to take before planning.

To begin with, the doctor determines the reason why the fetus stopped its development the previous time. For this purpose, first of all, an infection examination is scheduled that provokes the development of this disorder.

To exclude the pathology of the reproductive organs, ultrasound is prescribed. Particular attention is paid to the level of hormones, for which a woman is prescribed a blood test.

The next stage is a chromosomal study, the purpose of which is to identify a karyotype of a married couple. This allows to exclude the possibility of transmission of the disease from the parents. In fact often to development of the frozen pregnancy result chromosomal infringements. In some cases, histological examination of the fetal tissue is performed to determine the cause. This allows before the start of planning the next pregnancy, to exclude the reason for the interruption of the first.

Thus, it can be said that the answer to the question of how soon one can become pregnant after a stiff pregnancy depends on what led to the development of the disorder. In most cases, the period of recovery of the female body takes from 3 to 6 months. During this period, a woman who wants to become a mother must adhere to the recommendations of a doctor who prescribes a course of rehabilitation. As a rule, it includes the intake of hormonal drugs, because quite often it is the hormonal change that affects negatively the pregnancy.