A bunny behind the ear on the bones of a child

Any changes that occur with a small child can frighten inexperienced parents. So, often behind the ear of the baby is found a small seal, or cone. Mom and Dad, having noticed such a neoplasm, begin to worry very much and panic.

In this article, we will try to find out why a child may have a bump on his bones behind his ear, and what to do in such a situation.

The causes of the appearance of a cone behind the ear in a child

In a situation where a child has a lump behind his ear, you need to be very careful not to miss other symptoms of dangerous diseases. Most often this sign indicates the development of the following ailments:

  1. Lymphadenitis, or inflammation of the lymph nodes. The inflammatory process in the region of regional lymph nodes located behind the ears, most often indicates the occurrence in the body of the baby of diseases that are of an infectious nature, for example, pharyngitis. Most often this situation is accompanied by a decrease in immunity. As a rule, enlarged lymph nodes can be seen with the naked eye, but in some cases, especially in newborn babies, only a doctor can do it. Often, inflammation in the parotid lymph nodes is accompanied by pain, redness and excessive capriciousness of the crumbs.
  2. Inflammation of the middle ear also often entails an increase in the lymph node on one side. In this case, the disease cones rapidly increases in size, but after recovery it also decreases rapidly.
  3. Pig, or mumps. This ailment is accompanied by an inflammation of the salivary glands located near the organs of hearing. In such a situation on the body, the child has a seal resembling a cone, which can be located above the ear, behind it or on the lobe.
  4. The solid bud, which is located behind the ear on the bone, can represent a lipoma or an atheroma. The first tumor is a benign tumor, It moves freely under the skin, if you press on it. Atheroma, on the other hand, is immovable, but pus accumulates inside of such an infection.

Undoubtedly, if this unpleasant symptom is detected, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible, which will be able to identify the true cause of the neoplasm and prescribe the appropriate treatment. In some cases, these cones are not required to be treated, as they pass on their own, while in others, on the contrary, one has to resort to a surgical procedure.