Antibiotics for otitis in children - is it worth taking, and how to do it right?

Diseases of the ear are often found in babies. The inflammatory process can be considered as a separate disease, and the complication of a recent viral infection. Antibiotics for otitis in children is not always used, in some cases, it is possible and symptomatic treatment.

Do I need an antibiotic for otitis?

The choice of the type of drug for this disease depends on the type of otitis, the age of the baby, the stage of the inflammatory process. Antibiotic in otitis is not used for mild and moderate course of the disease. In such cases, you can cope with the disease with the help of drops, ointments, balms, with which compresses are made in the ear. However, it should be borne in mind that such funds should be prescribed exclusively by a doctor. Incorrectly chosen methods of therapy can affect the health of the child.

Treatment of otitis with antibiotics is more often performed with purulent or chronic forms. In this case, therapy is carried out in a complex manner. Along with antibiotics, the following are used:

Pathogen otitis in children

Inflammation of the ear in a child often proceeds according to the type:

In the first type, the middle part of the ear is affected. This is accompanied by severe soreness, so it is impossible to skip the onset of the disease. Otitis media of the middle ear in children is often caused by bacteria, but in some cases it can also be viruses. Among the main pathogens of acute otitis media:

Exudative otitis media is accompanied by accumulation of fluid in the middle ear. There are no signs of infection (pain, swelling, reporting is not observed). Diagnosing the disease is difficult. In most cases, the disease passes by itself, so you do not have to resort to antibiotics. Doctors take expectant tactics, monitor the health of the baby, conduct periodic examinations.

Is it possible to cure otitis without antibiotics to the baby?

It is possible to cure a child of otitis without antibiotics. When prescribing a drug and choosing a method of therapy, doctors take into account several factors:

Treatment of babies up to 2 years is often done without using antibacterial drugs. It is important that both ears or one are affected. In severe, purulent form of the disease without the use of antibiotics can not do. In addition, if the symptoms of acute otitis do not disappear after 2-3 days of symptomatic treatment, the question arises of the appointment of an antibiotic. The drug should be prescribed only by a doctor.

What antibiotics should I take with otitis?

The choice of the drug depends entirely on the type of pathogen. Often, to determine which antibiotic when otitis in children to use, conduct an analysis of purulent discharge from the ear or puncture exudate to sensitivity. In other cases, doctors use a wide range of drugs. The duration of antibiotic therapy is determined individually. On average, the reception of such funds lasts 5-7 days. In children under 6 years of treatment may be 10 days (with a severe form of otitis). Among the used groups of antibiotics:

Penicillin in otitis

Talking about what antibiotics for otitis in children are used, in the first place pediatricians put penicillins. They are well tolerated by a child's body, have minimal side effects. Used drugs in the form of tablets, and in suspension (for babies). Dosage, frequency and duration of therapy are indicated by the physician individually.

Penicillin is effective against most pathogenic microorganisms. He actively suppresses their growth, preventing further development and reproduction. Among the preparations containing this component:

Cephalosporins with otitis

Treatment of otitis in children with antibiotics can be carried out with the help of this group of drugs. They are used more often when intolerance of the child's body of penicillin. Cephalosporins have a pronounced antimicrobial effect and rarely cause allergic reactions. Among the preparations of this group used in pediatrics, it is necessary to distinguish:

Use antibiotics for otitis media in children with caution. Cephalosporins with long-term use can destroy vitamin K. This substance takes an active part in the process of hematopoiesis, coagulating system. Doctors take this fact into account, prescribing antibiotic data for otitis in children. If it is necessary to use cephalosporins, pediatricians limit the duration of their use to 5 days.

Macrolides in otitis

These modern antibacterial agents are often used in the treatment of otitis in children. They are highly effective in controlling Gram-negative microorganisms. In addition, macrolides are involved in the processes of activation of the baby's immune system, which stops further progression of inflammation. Due to the effect on immunity, this antibiotic for inflammation of the ear is not recommended for preschool children.

Among the preparations of this group used in pediatrics, one can distinguish:

The best antibiotic for otitis

Antibiotic in otitis in a child should be selected individually. With the appointment of this drug, the pediatrician takes into account several factors:

Based on these features, it can be argued that a universal antibacterial drug that would help equally well in all cases does not exist. Parents should clearly follow the doctor's instructions and do not check on their child the effectiveness of the medicine, which, according to a friend, helped her baby. Such actions can harm the baby.

Drops in the ears with otitis with antibiotic

This form of medicines is actively used for the treatment of ear diseases. After the diagnosis of otitis media, antibiotic drops are practically the first place in the pediatrician's appointment sheet. Among the drugs used to treat children:

  1. Neladex is a combined preparation containing an antibiotic and an anti-inflammatory component. Already after the first instillation, the symptoms of inflammation decrease: soreness decreases, puffiness decreases. This is due to the presence of glucocorticosteroid in the drops. The drug is used to treat older children, after 12 years.
  2. Ciprofarm - the drug refers to fluoroquinolones. This group of antibiotics inhibits the growth and reproduction of pathogens (Gram-negative bacteria). Used from the age of 15.

Suspension in otitis

For the treatment of infants, antibacterial drugs in the form of a suspension are more often used. This is due to the ease of dosing and administration of the drug. Such antibiotics for purulent otitis can be prescribed for treatment of infants. Among the drugs used:

  1. Sumamed is a macrolide of a wide spectrum. The drug released in the form of an oral suspension can be used from 6 months. The medicine has a pleasant taste, so the kids take it with pleasure. Dosage is calculated by the doctor taking into account the body weight of the child. Take the medicine 1 time a day.
  2. Augmentin is a semisynthetic drug. Used to treat children from 3 months. Take 3 times a day, the dosage is calculated individually.
  3. Supraks - refers to cephalosporins. It is often used to treat otitis media of the middle ear in children older than 6 months. Dosage and frequency of reception are set by the pediatrician.

Antibiotic in tablets

Antibiotic in otitis media in children older than 6 years is often prescribed in the form of tablets. Among the drugs used for this purpose are:

  1. Clacid is a macrolide of a wide spectrum. In tableted form can be used to treat children from 3 years old. Dosage and frequency of reception is set individually. Duration of admission is 5-14 days, depending on the severity of the disease.
  2. Amoxiclav - an antibiotic of the penicillin series, which represents a combination of amoxicillin, penicillin, clavulanic acid. In tablets it is used for treatment of children over 12 years old. The dosage is calculated according to the weight of the small patient.

Injections in otitis

Antibiotic for inflammation of the ear in a child in the form of injections is used when the therapy with tablets and suspension did not work. Similar antibiotics for otitis in children are also used when the disease was found at a late stage - it requires an early onset of the effect of the therapy. Among the drugs used in the form of a solution for injections:

  1. Ceftriaxone is a third generation cephalosporin, used in complex forms, purulent otitis. The dosage is calculated by the doctor. The drug can be used from birth.
  2. Cefazolin - powder for the preparation of solution for injection. It is used to treat children from 1 month.
  3. Cefipim - appointed in exceptional cases. Dry matter for subsequent preparation of infusions (injections). It is a strong antibiotic with a large list of side effects. Newborn and infants are given the drug in a hospital under the watchful eye of doctors.