Chicken pox temperature in children

When chicken pox is infected, the baby's skin is covered with a characteristic rash, but some children experience a temperature increase. For this reason, mom and dad are interested in how and how to knock down the temperature with chicken pox in children. And in general, whether it is necessary to do this? Let's try to understand.

Shoot down or not shoot down?

First, let's find out whether there is always a high fever in chickenpox, or is it so that the disease goes on without a fever? The main symptom of chickenpox is the presence of rashes in the form of exudate-filled vesicles, and the elevated temperature is attributed to possible concomitant symptoms. If the child has chickenpox in mild form, then body temperature usually remains within normal limits. But even if it has increased, do not immediately seek antipyretic drug. And that's why.

This disease causes the herpes virus, and these agents, like most viruses, can not multiply if the temperature is 37 or more degrees. In addition, the production of interferon, a protective substance, in the body occurs only when the temperature reaches 38 degrees. If you use antipyretic, then the viruses will multiply, and the body will lose protection. That's why you should not interfere with this natural physiological mechanism.

And what is the temperature with chickenpox serves as a signal for taking antipyretics? Here everything is individual. If it is a question of a babe, then it is necessary to knock it down immediately, as the mark of 38.5 is passed. Interference is also required, with a tendency to febrile seizures. In other cases, you should be guided by the child's well-being. He is active, does not complain of chills and muscle pains? Then do not give antipyretic, but keep controlling the temperature so that it does not rise to 40 degrees.

Side effects of antipyretic drugs

The choice of antipyretic with chickenpox should be carried out depending on how many days the temperature is kept. If this is a one-time jump, then any children's drug will do. With a multiple increase in 2-3 days, you can not use drugs such as aspirin and analgin. The first contains a substance that causes a violation of liver function (Ray's syndrome), and the second can cause a shock state, in which the temperature drops sharply to 33-34 degrees.

If an abundant drink and a drop in temperature in the room does not help, it is better to use paracetamol or ibuprofen. When all attempts to normalize the temperature for three or more days are unsuccessful, consult a doctor.