Sub-syndrome for newborns

Each mother is familiar with the situation when a newborn baby experiences her nervous system, bursting with crying for hours on end. At the same time, he pushes his legs to his stomach and with his whole appearance shows that it hurts. The reason - the accumulation of gases in the intestine or, more simply, colic. To treat them it is not necessary, as colic is a temporary phenomenon caused by the immaturity of the digestive and nervous systems of the baby. By four-five months the situation is normal.

But can not my mother calmly watch the baby, showing obvious discomfort? Here and come to the aid of various drugs.

Getting rid of colic

Among the many drugs that are abundant in the shelves of pharmacies, special attention should be paid to the child's sepsymplex, which copes with colic. The composition of the subsystem includes the active substance simethicone, which contributes to the natural removal of the accumulated gases from the intestine. All that is needed to relieve a newborn from colic is a sub-syncope, a spoon, a mixture or a little expressed breast milk.

Before giving a sub-syncope for newborns for the first time, be sure to consult a pediatrician. First, we need to clarify the diagnosis, because crying at such an age expresses absolutely everything. Secondly, only the doctor can correctly prescribe the dosimetry. If the dosage is chosen incorrectly, the use of the sub-symptom not only does not relieve colic, but can also cause side effects. It is worth noting that during the clinical studies of this drug, scientists have not identified side effects, but exclude the possibility of their appearance is completely impossible. In addition, the child may have an allergy to the sub-syncope, which is explained by individual intolerance.

Rules for taking the drug

When the diagnosis is established, the allergy test is carried out, you can proceed to receive the suspension. Infants who are on natural feeding, a few minutes before feeding should be given 10-15 drops of the sub-symptom, previously diluted with breast milk. It is more convenient to do with a conventional syringe (without a needle!). If it was not at hand, an ordinary spoon would do. After this, continue feeding. For artificial babies, a similar amount of the subsyslex should be diluted in a bottle with a mixture. Carefully follow the purity of hands and dishes, since the digestive system is in a weakened state and is not able to give a worthy rebuff to microbes and bacteria.

The effectiveness of the drug sabsimplex will significantly increase if given to his baby in pure form. But even a pleasant crimson taste is unlikely to please a newborn, who is familiar only with mother's milk. And you can not avoid staining spots on the shirt. Usually, the action of the sub-syncope is noted a few hours after its reception. If the colic for your child is not an episode, but It is often a matter of prevention. To do this, before each feeding, give the baby 6-7 drops of the sub-symposium.

Mom's help

To ease the torment of the baby can be in other ways. Crying will stop if you take the baby in your arms, pat his tummy (only clockwise). You can heat the iron with a soft diaper and attach it to the tummy of the baby.

Do not overfeed your baby. Remains of undigested food cause excessive gas formation and aggravate colic. In addition, diarrhea or constipation may occur.

Only a few months will pass, and sleepless nights will be left behind! In the meantime, you have patience!