How to set up your body against yourself?

There is a huge amount of advice on how to lose weight, put yourself in order and the like. This is a little not fair, why there are no tips, how to spoil your body and grow fat? We decided to fill this gap, and present harmful advice on how to set up your body against yourself.

Approximate daily routine

Let's give an example of one day in life, after which your body will be in shock, and if you continue to live in such a plan, after a while you will not just not recognize your reflection in the mirror, but you may also start to be afraid of it.

  1. "Love me for who I am" - the motto of every girl, and the main emphasis on the phrase - which is. Thus, you give a signal to your body that it is awaiting cardinal changes (but not for the better).
  2. How nice to luxuriate in bed, and someone gets up in the morning to do exercises, some strange people, do not understand the pleasures of life. As a result, you slept and there is no time for breakfast, so the only thing left is to eat the sandwich on the go and drink your favorite strong coffee with sugar.
  3. At work, you sit at the table, and not to fall asleep chewing something, washing down with sweet soda. And for a day the amount of liquid drunk, as dieticians recommend 1.5 - 2.5 liters (nothing that nutritionists say about still water).
  4. In a depleted break you can go several ways:
  • Going from work, you must go to the pastry shop and buy a couple of delicious cakes with cream. As a result, coming home, you feel so tired that cooking something just does not have the strength, and the desire. Quickly prepare semi-finished products and be placed in front of the TV to eat, because in any case you can not miss your favorite TV series.
  • And so every day. Weekends are almost nothing from everyday life, except that more inactivity and calories, less movement plus allow yourself something from alcoholic drinks, all the same weekend!
  • What in the end?

    In this way of life you will lead your body into a dead end, it will not be set up, work for good, and the process of self-destruction will begin. As a result - extra pounds, cellulite , unhealthy and unattractive appearance, as on the face there will be acne, the hair will become brittle, the nails will begin to separate. Well, that, after all, there is the principle "Love me for who I am", and principles can not be changed.

    How to be?

    As you can see, you can expect the most unfortunate consequences if you follow such harmful advice, so, naturally, it is better to do the opposite.

    Now we rewind the time back and see how the correct day really should look like.

    1. In the morning it's better to wake up half an hour earlier to do the exercise, which will help get the energy charge for the whole day. Another plus is that, you can have breakfast, for example, it can be oatmeal, fruit and yogurt. Also, you will have time to prepare dinner to take it with you.
    2. At work, try to control what you drink and eat, better give your preference to non-carbonated mineral water. At lunchtime it will not be necessary to run to fast food, because you cooked dinner and took it from home. It is best if it is a piece of boiled chicken breast, a salad of vegetables or stewed vegetables, and for a dessert a pair of favorite fruits.
    3. Arriving home, prepare a tasty and healthy dinner, for example, fish, salad, buckwheat porridge, cottage cheese, juice and fruit.
    4. Do not forget to give time to visit the gym, regular training will improve your condition both external and internal.

    For all these efforts, the body will say thank you to you and it will be expressed with great health, health and an amazing appearance. Now it remains to choose what exactly you want and start following the chosen life plan.