Low hemoglobin in a child in 3 months

Hemoglobin is a protein that provides body tissues with oxygen. This is an important function, because the doctors are attentive to this parameter in the analysis results. Normal values ​​depend on many conditions. Age - dyn of factors affecting this parameter. Young mothers should know that this indicator in the blood of the baby has its own characteristics.

Causes of low hemoglobin in a child at 3 months

The level of this protein has the highest value in newborns and is 145-225 g / l. But within a week he begins to fall.

Even during pregnancy in the baby's body, hemoglobin is produced, which is called fetal. In composition, it differs from protein in an adult. Gradually fetal hemoglobin comes to an end, being squeezed out standard. Such a restructuring continues throughout the first year of life crumbs. When the baby is about 2-3 months old, hemoglobin falls off. During this period, babies encounter a so-called physiological anemia. It does not pose a health threat. But it is during this period that tests can show poor results. The norm of hemoglobin in a child at 3 months is 95-135 g / l. The same values ​​remain until the end of the first half of the year.

The lack of this protein indicates iron deficiency anemia. In this state, the supply of oxygen to the body is impaired, which inhibits the development of the baby.

Why a three-month-old child has a low hemoglobin, the following factors can explain:

Symptoms of low hemoglobin

Determine the signs of anemia in appearance and behavior of crumbs is not always possible. With this condition, the baby can have pale skin, reduced appetite. The doctor can mark systolic murmur in the heart. Most often, that the hemoglobin is below the norm limit, they learn from the result of a blood test.

If the crumb is severe anemia, then it can have cyanotic skin, dyspnoea appear during sucking.

How to raise a baby's hemoglobin in 3 months?

Treatment of anemia should be recommended by a pediatrician. He can advise the intake of iron-containing drugs. Usually such small children are prescribed medications in drops. It can be Aktiferrin, Hemofer. These drugs have their own reception characteristics, side effects. Therefore, they should be given only after the doctor's recommendation.

It is worth remembering that during the treatment the baby's chair becomes more liquid, changes its color to black. All these changes will persist throughout the entire intake of medication and should not disturb parents.

Treatment continues even after hemoglobin reaches the norm. When you should cancel taking medication, the doctor will say.

If at 3 months the child has lowered hemoglobin, then the nursing mother needs to adjust her diet. A woman should have a balanced diet. She should eat fish or meat dishes every day, buckwheat porridge, apples, pomegranate juice.

A young mother should also pay attention to her way of life. She needs a full rest and sleep. It is necessary to try to minimize stress and conflict situations. Walking in the air, as well as moderate physical activity, is also useful.

If the low hemoglobin at 3 months is noted in the infant who is on artificial feeding, then parents need to buy special mixtures for feeding.

In a month, you need to take an analysis again. If there is no change for the better, the pediatrician can give directions to the hematologist.