Who is the manager - what qualities should a successful manager have?

In the state of almost every organization today there is a manager. A familiar word, but not everyone understands who a manager is? After graduation, the diploma does not always indicate a narrow specialization, but the contribution of a professional in the development of the company can not be underestimated. The main responsibility of the manager is the organization of the work process.

Manager - who is this?

Many school leavers are thinking about which university to apply for. Is it worth it to study at the Faculty of Management? What kind of profession is a manager? The concept of "management" appeared in the Russian language relatively recently, but people who managed a certain group of employees were always. Regardless of the nature of the company's activities, the head must:

Qualities of the manager

Each position occupied requires certain qualities from the candidate. This directly depends on the image of the manager and the organization as a whole. The main qualities that a manager should have:

  1. Ability to learn (you need to quickly perceive and analyze information) and the desire to learn new knowledge.
  2. Non-standard thinking (it is important to be able to quickly navigate and dramatically change the strategy and find an original solution to the problem that arises, because the competition in the market can "survive" enterprising and resourceful).
  3. Ability to assess the situation and distribute tasks that lead to the goal.
  4. Be confident (if a person can not clearly build a proposal and will "mumble", his manager's career will end, never having started).
  5. Stress-resistance (a person who gets angry with each remark or, conversely, lowers his hands at the first failure, is unlikely to lead the team and the company to victory).

What are managers?

There are different types of managers:

Who is the mid-level manager? These are specialists who pass their orders to ordinary employees through first-level managers. The highest level of management is the top managers. They have a more serious responsibility for the affairs of the firm. Those who plan training, it is worthwhile to understand that the profession assumes career growth and, gradually acquiring the skills of a manager, you can climb up the ranks to the manager.

Advertising Manager

The profession assumes mobility, as a public relations manager must regularly communicate with people of various activities, from creative personalities to civil servants. To this end, PR-people should be able to adapt to a certain social environment and choose the manner of dialogue. The main responsibilities of the advertising manager include:

Marketing Manager

Who is a marketing manager and what does he do in real life? This specialist is responsible for the commercial and sales activities of the company. To organize the sale of goods, he needs to know what the consumer prefers and what his tastes are. The main responsibilities of the marketing manager are statistical analysis. The received data allow to develop the price policy and to form the assortment of production. Since the profit increases in direct proportion to the number of new customers, the manager must determine the advertising policy of the organization.

Financial Manager

Each company has a turnover of money and needs an expert who will control and manage it. The job of a finance manager is to dispose of the funds of the enterprise. The work of a specialist is aimed at obtaining and regularly increasing the capital of the enterprise. Responsibility for the financial activities of the company falls entirely on the manager.

Product Manager

A specialist who is engaged in creating new products, analyzing the market, assorting policies, pricing, promoting the product and forming requirements for it is called a product manager. In the process of work, he must actively interact with the sales and technical support departments, the production site. The functions of the product manager directly depend on the type of organization.

Project Manager

Who is the project manager? A specialist who manages a particular project (designing, prioritizing, scheduling tasks, controlling, communicating, solving problems quickly) is called a project manager. He must implement the ideas of the customer in a certain time, using existing means and resources. He needs to make a plan for the development, organize the team, establish communication between the team and the customer, eliminate all the disturbances that occur and make delivery of orders within the agreed time.

Purchasing Manager

Procurement of raw materials from supplier companies under optimal conditions for the organization is the main thing that the purchasing manager does. Most manufacturing companies prefer to hire young professionals, because they can quickly learn new useful information and timely adapt to the changing market. As a rule, preference is given to candidates with an analytical mind and a high level of communication skills. Experience in trading is welcomed.

Event Manager

Who is the manager for organizing different events? In all modern companies there are Event Managers who are involved in preparing for events. An effective manager can easily organize a corporate holiday, a business event, a special promotion aimed at promoting a particular product or service. The main task for a specialist is to develop the right concept, since each event is aimed at achieving a specific goal.

Crisis manager

The role of the manager in the organization to get it out of the crisis is very high. Some mistakenly believe that such specialists are needed only in cases when the company is swiftly going to the bottom. An anti-crisis manager is needed to prevent such a situation, and the organization did not just stay afloat, but quickly moved ahead. Many companies, having gone through hard times, have such specialists in their staff, others - invite managers from special agencies to check and draw up an approximate plan of action for the future.

Sports Manager

In sports, as in other areas of activity, there are different specialists. It's not just coaches, methodologists or instructors. Rigid market competition led to the emergence of such a profession as a sports manager. The existence of a structure of organizations implies the need for specialists of different levels, and each of them deals with certain issues. The competence of the manager is:

How to become a manager?

A successful manager, first of all, should be able to communicate with people of different spheres of activity. The knowledge of psychology will help him, because it is not always easy to find a common language with a stranger. The manager should be able to feel the situation and not bad, if intuition is developed. Such things are not taught by the manager, but the knowledge gained and developed talents will help you become a professional in your business. The main thing is to remember that useful skills come with experience.

It is important to have leadership qualities and confidence in your words and deeds. If you do not feel like a leader and leader, this should not be known and understood by your subordinates. Several successful combinations and projects will change your self-esteem, and you will necessarily believe in yourself . It is important to remember one rule: "Always keep in control your emotional state and situation." After that, as a rule, the moment of take-off on a career ladder comes.